Captain LOUD Saadhak is thrilled about the new roles within the team

Captain LOUD Saadhak is thrilled about the new roles within the team

After a confident victory of the LOUD team over Sentinels on the 27th, captain Matias "Saadhak" Delipetro expressed his thoughts in an interview with journalist Pedro Romero. He shared his thoughts on the changes in leadership within the lineup, the new second IGL role for Cauan "cauanzin" Pereira, and the team's overall performance.

According to Saadhak, he feels great after the redistribution of responsibilities within the team. Now he can actively participate in the game and focus on mid-round strategy. He also expressed confidence in the coaches' ability to effectively support the team.

Personally, I feel great. Now I can play the game a bit more and focus on what I like to do most: making mid-round calls and being the IGL. I've delegated most of my responsibility to the coaches because they will assist me with this.
It was pointless to have a coach and not have them coach the team. It's been a real journey. We're getting closer to the goal, learning how the team works, how they like to work because everyone knows what I'm doing. We have to adapt, they have incredible ideas. Their game plan against Sentinels was very reliable, we're improving every day.
Matias "Saadhak" Delipetro

Discussing the game against Sentinels, Saadhak noted the strong game plan and praised his teammates for their good work in attacking rounds. He also emphasized that players in the IGL role can not only think strategically but also shoot well, as he has proven multiple times throughout this tournament.

After yesterday's victory over G2, LOUD secured third place in the "Omega" group, thus advancing to the playoff stage of the competition. On May 9th, the Brazilian team will face off against 100 Thieves for the right to progress through the upper bracket of the finals.

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