Today, the Spanish professional player José “BbreakG” Antonio Fernández shared details about his future career on his Twitter account. The esports athlete announced that he is leaving Valorant after three years to return to the Valve shooter.
BbreakG bid a rather abrupt farewell to the discipline and stated that CS has always been his shooter, and in Valorant, there have been too many incomprehensible changes lately, which only decrease the interest in the game. The player said goodbye to all the fans and thanked the professional players who supported him during his journey in Valorant.
Taking the situation into account; VALORANT is good, but CS is and will be my game. Playing Valorant rank is unbearable, constantly there is so much trash and ugly people, it makes even worse the viewing of the game and decreases the interest in competitions. I want to thank everyone who accompanied me, especially ttego, ranko, and kkrysys, without them it would have been impossible. Hugs and see you soon.

José began his career in Valorant in 2021. To this day, the Spanish professional has changed many teams, but the most famous among them was ZETA Gaming. With it, he finished in 4th place at the second stage of VALORANT Challengers 2023 Spain: Rising, and later took 3-4th place at the LVP - Crossfire Cup 2023: Contenders #1. Aside from these results, 2023 did not bring the esports athlete any prize places, and on June 11, he left the Spanish club.
For now, there is no information about José's future plans. Although he stated that CS has always been his game, it is unclear whether he plans to return to the professional scene in the updated CS 2 and to which organization. We await official information from BbreakG himself.
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