Last Wednesday, Version1 player Ava "florescent" Eugene posted a clip on social media showcasing her play with the agent Reyna. In the video, the athlete achieves an incredible ace, eliminating opponents with just a single bullet.
In addition to the praise received from a significant portion of the Twitter community, Team Liquid player Paula "bstrdd" Naguil teased the athlete and asked her not to pull off similar moves against her during the VCT Game Changers Championship. In response, florescent commented that Version1 coach Loic "effys" Sauvageau doesn't allow her to play as the agent Reyna during the tournament.
my best clip ever
— V1 florescent (@florscnt) November 1, 2023
At the age of 17, florescent will participate in the VCT Game Changers Championship, an inclusive Valorant global tournament scheduled from November 28th to December 3rd in São Paulo.
Championship North America will be represented by 2 teams: Version1 and Evil Geniuses, while Team Liquid is the only team representing Brazil.
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