What is ACS Valorant? Average Combat Score Explained
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  • 11:46, 29.01.2024

What is ACS Valorant? Average Combat Score Explained

In the game Valorant, the Average Combat Score (ACS) is a mystery to many players, concealing the essence of a player's skill and their contribution to team success. What is ACS in Valorant and how is the average combat score calculated in Valorant? This question often arises among beginners and even experienced players. The bo3 editorial team has prepared an article where we will take a detailed look at what lies behind this indicator and how it affects the gameplay in the incredible and vast tactical shooter from Riot Games.

ACS in Valorant

ACS in Valorant
ACS in Valorant

The meaning of ACS in Valorant extends beyond a numerical score; it is a comprehensive reflection of a player's combat contributions, strategic decisions, and overall impact on the game, offering insights into their effectiveness and playstyle. Generally, in the shooter from Riot Games, the player with the best K/D ratio or the highest number of kills does not always receive the MVP title, as this honour belongs to the one with the highest Average Combat Score. Players earn points for beneficial actions during the game, and the details of the ACS calculation will be discussed in the next section.

Calculating ACS

Calculation ACS in Valorant
Calculation ACS in Valorant

In this section, we will take a closer look at how calculation for ACS is made in Valorant. Below is a list of actions for which players receive points, as well as the number of these points. This will help you better understand this system.

  • Damage. Here, it's simple: you get one point for each unit of damage dealt. If you manage to deal 149 damage in a round, you receive 149 points.
  • Kills. Of course, there are kills. You earn a certain number of points for each kill, depending on the number of live enemies. If there are five, you get 150 points for a kill; if four — 130; and so on — 110/90/70.
  • Multikill. If you make more than one kill in a round, you will be awarded an additional 50 points. For example, if you take down two heavily armoured enemies, you will receive no less than 510 points to your account (300 for damage dealt, 90 and 70 for the kills if they are the last enemies, and 50 for the multi-kill). This significantly increases your Average Combat Score in Valorant.
  • Assists without damage. You receive 25 points for an assist without damage. Here, it's worth pausing and discussing more in detail, as not all players understand how to get an assist and not deal any damage. Non-damaging assists ACS - these are assists using abilities that do not deal damage, such as Sage's healing, KAY/O's knife, blinding abilities, etc.
  • Round Score. Each round won during the match gives you additional points in ACS.

Now that you understand how ACS is calculated, you have an idea of how to improve your final score to regularly receive the MVP title in each match.

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Match MVP

How MVP works in Valorant
How MVP works in Valorant

As mentioned earlier in this article, the MVP of the match is the player with the highest ACS, not necessarily the one with the most kills, damage dealt, or best KDA. Thus, Valorant ACS and MVP are closely linked. If you aim to become the best player in the match, it's important to improve your average combat score. Detailed advice on this issue can be found in the next section.

Tips for increasing your ACS in Valorant

The Average Combat Score (ACS) is not the primary aspect of the game in Valorant, although it reflects your efficiency during a match. It doesn't account for other important aspects of the game such as information gathering, communication, team spirit support, etc. Therefore, one should not focus too much on this parameter. However, if you are keen on feeling competitive and consistently earning the MVP title in matches, we are ready to share a list of tips for Valorant ACS that will help raise your final result.

Useful tips for increasing ACS in Valorant

How to get an average higher ACS in Valorant
How to get an average higher ACS in Valorant

Choosing the right Agent. It is optimal to choose an agent that can inflict significant damage with their unique abilities. For example, Raze has powerful explosive abilities, making her effective in damaging enemies.

  • Every round counts: Remember that ACS is the total number of points for a match, divided by the number of rounds played. Try to maximize your round score in Valorant to achieve a higher final ACS.
  • First kill: The first kill in a round leads to the highest kill count for a player. Try to set a trend and consistently achieve the first kill in a round.
  • Multiple kills per round: Choose an agent who can make multiple kills per round, like Reyna, to effectively improve your Valorant performance rating. Her unique ability allows her to heal after the first encounter and continue the round with full or nearly full health.

These simple and common tips will help you improve your ACS in Valorant. So, practice them to achieve the highest level and earn more MVP titles.

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The impact of ACS on ranking

The impact of ACS on Valorant's rating
The impact of ACS on Valorant's rating

Although developers officially state that ACS does not affect the ranking, in practice the situation is somewhat different, and we will examine this more closely.

In ranked mode, players receive different amounts of points for a win and lose varying amounts for a loss. One of the reasons is your contribution to the game, meaning those with a higher ACS on average gain more ranking points for a win.

The impact of ACS on Valorant rank is noteworthy, as players with higher Average Combat Scores generally see a more positive influence on their overall ranking.

Understanding and optimizing your Average Combat Score Valorant is important for improving your gameplay. While ACS may not be the sole determining factor of your rank, it undoubtedly plays a significant role in reflecting your efficiency and contribution in each match. Whether you focus on early kills, dealing significant damage, or supporting your team, consistently striving to improve your ACS can contribute to better overall results. And remember, in Valorant ACS vs KDA, ACS always wins!

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