Valorant agent gear Waylay: Full guide
Valorant agent gear Waylay: Full guide

The year 2025 has just begun, and the developers of Valorant have already presented the second new agent to players. It is the Thai duelist Waylay, who was officially released in the game only yesterday and today, depending on the region. Like every previous agent, Waylay has its own unique set of accessories and skins called gear. That's why today we've prepared an article to tell you about the new Waylay agent's gear, how to get it, and what accessories it includes. In addition, we will also remind you how to unlock this character for free.

What is Valorant's gear?

To begin with, we would like to remind our readers what the term ear is in Valorant. Gear is a set of unique cosmetic items that are available for each of the 27 agents in Valorant.  They are customized for each agent separately and can be purchased with Kingdom Credits. These items include:

  • A skin for one of the Ghost, Classic, Sheriff, Frenzy, or Shorty pistols
  • Two player titles
  • Three graffiti sprays
  • Two player cards
  • Gunbuddy for the weapon
  • 2000 Kingdom Credits
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How to get Agent Waylay's gear

Now that you know what gear is, it's time to tell you how to get Waylay's accessories. It's quite simple, and you just need to follow the instructions below.

Open the agent


In order to get a particular agent's gear, you need to unlock the agent. This can be done for 1000VP, or for 8000 KC. But when new agents are released, there is another way to discover them. For 28 days, you can unlock a new agent for free just by completing tasks. When you collect 200,000 XP, you will have the opportunity to open a Waylay. You can earn this amount of experience through daily and weekly tasks. It should be noted that after this period, the agent can be opened again for 8000 Kingdom Credits.

Check out the available assortment


Once you've opened a new agent, it's time to find their gear. To find their available gear, open the agent list, find Waylay, and click view gear. You will then be presented with a list of 10 items, which are divided into two parts. Chapter 1 includes:

  • FTL Spray graffiti spray
  • Waylay player card 
  • Prismatic player title
  • Infinite Reflections graffiti spray
  • 2000 Kingdom Credits

The following items will be available in Chapter 2:

  • Gunbuddy Prism
  • Waylay Graffiti Spray
  • Iridescent player title
  • Dawnstrike player card
  • Kaleidoscope skin for the Frenzy pistol

Select and unlock the desired accessory

Finally, all you have to do is choose the right accessory and unlock it. But we should note that there is a certain limitation here. You can't choose a skin or title from the end of the range. Instead, you only need to unlock the accessories one by one, which means that if you want the Frenzy skin, you need to unlock all the previous 9 accessories. Also note that if you choose an accessory that you don't have before, the game will automatically offer you to purchase all the previous items.


In conclusion, it is not necessary to open the Waylay mountains or any other agent. You will only get cosmetic accessories and currency from it, which does not affect the gameplay in any way and will not allow you to play better. But, if you find a nice graffiti or a gun skin that you like, then why not, especially since you can unlock each accessory completely free of charge without investing real money.

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