The best spots for smokes on the map Haven
The best spots for smokes on the map Haven

Haven is one of the oldest and simultaneously most popular maps in the game Valorant. Its distinctive feature is the presence of three Spike planting sites (A, B, C), making it unique. Due to the large number of places to deploy smokes, both novices and experienced players might not know where best to use smoke grenades to achieve the greatest effectiveness and win the round. In this article, we will explore the best places for smoke on the map Haven in Valorant, which most controllers in the game can use.

The Best Controller on the Map Haven

One of the best agents for control on the map Haven is considered to be Omen. His abilities blend well with the map's features: he has quick smokes and the ability to teleport, allowing him to ascend to elevations and evade enemies in dangerous spots. His ability, Paranoia (Q), which blinds enemies over a large area, helps Omen make unexpected maneuvers and is also handy for the team. This is particularly useful for players who play the duelist role, as it makes it easier for them to engage disoriented enemies.


If you're looking for variety, since the agent Omen is present in almost every pick, you might try a new controller – Clove. Her Ruse (E) charges also regenerate like Omen's, but Clove's unique mechanic allows her to use her smokes after death. This enables her to play more aggressively and not worry about leaving the team without smoke coverage.



Below are some of the best spots for using smoke grenades in various situations, both for attack and defense.

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Point A


Passive Defense

Smokes for Passive Defense on A Haven
Smokes for Passive Defense on A Haven

Using these two smoke grenades against aggression at point A will make it difficult for enemies to enter the position. Your team will have a wide choice of places to meet the enemies: both near the smoke screens and at farther positions behind the site. You can also ascend to the Tower point with a sniper rifle or Vandal/Phantom.

Sewer Control

Oneway for Controlling Sewer A Haven
Oneway for Controlling Sewer A Haven

If you play a sentinel or second player at point A as agent Omen, be sure to use this smoke. It will provide you a significant advantage, allowing you to see enemies before they see you. You can also use it to assist your team from other positions. Practice before using it in a game to quickly and accurately set it up.

Deep Hold A

Deep Smoke A Main Haven
Deep Smoke A Main Haven

Using this smoke will help your team aggressively defend by controlling A Main. This will significantly complicate further actions for attackers, as their movements become more predictable without control over A Main.


Direct Entry to Point A
Direct Entry to Point A

Due to the limitation of two smoke charges in Omen, as in many other controller characters, when directly entering point A, you must use standard smokes. They block the view and crossfire for defenders through their spawn and cover the view of a sniper or another player at the Tower position. Close and distant positions at site A will have to be cleared by you and your team.

Mid + B


Mid Control

Smoke Mid Window Haven
Smoke Mid Window Haven

If you or your team want to control Mid, use this smoke. It will completely block the view for enemies from the window at the Mid position, allowing the player on B to push the position calmly without fear of being killed from the window.

Passive Defense B

Default Smoke B Haven
Default Smoke B Haven

If you notice activity near point B, or your team reports it, help the sentinel by placing this smoke screen. It will stop or complicate enemy aggression due to limited visibility and unclear player positioning at point B.


Slow Round

Smoke on B Haven
Smoke on B Haven

By placing a smoke screen on B, you gain an advantage over the opponent and can easily take Mid. This provides many options for further actions: you can make a direct entry on B or quickly rotate to C. However, be careful, as there is a large box on the site, and enemies can use it to oversee you or your team. Act especially cautiously if the enemy team has characters capable of reaching heights.

Direct Entry

Smokes for Direct Entry on B Haven
Smokes for Direct Entry on B Haven

The best places for smokes when directly entering B are simultaneously the most obvious – the passages from the A and C sides. It is important to use them correctly so that the smoke does not push into your side, as this may give enemies a chance to unexpectedly jump out of them.

C + Garage


Garage Control for Defense
Garage Control for Defense

A simple and effective smoke between the doors will help you feel more confident at the Garage point. However, remember that smoke grenades are an important resource in Valorant and should not be used without information.

Point C Control

Smoke for Regular Control C Haven
Smoke for Regular Control C Haven
Smoke for Deep Control C Haven
Smoke for Deep Control C Haven

Attackers often quickly push C using the mobility of characters like Jett or Raze. If the controller is not the sentinel of this position, they may not have time to place a regular smoke. In such a case, use the smoke for deep control so that the sentinel has more options when pinned behind the site.

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Default Smoke Garage Haven
Default Smoke Garage Haven

Using this smoke, you can easily take Garage and play a split C round, coming out to the point from Garage and Long C. In such a case, the sentinel becomes easy prey, so defenders often play closed or give up the position, hoping for a successful retake together with the team.


The above locations and smoke usage options are just part of how effectively smoke grenades can be used. Everything is situational and depends on tactics and the current situation on the battlefield. If you are a beginner, pay attention to our options for now, but over time, playing on your favorite agents, you will understand which smoke is better to use in each situation.

Don't forget to check the section below, where you will find several options for unusual smoke spots for agent Omen on the map Haven, including Oneway smokes.

Pro Corner for Controllers

Every player who aspires to become better at a certain role should enrich their arsenal with various tricks and tips. This section of the article is created for that purpose. Here, we share several screenshots showing useful and unconventional smoke screens for agent Omen. Likely, each controller agent has their peculiarities on this map, but like most players, we consider the mysterious and enigmatic Omen the best for this map, so all tricks will be presented for him.


Here you will find Oneway smokes for both attack and defense, which will come in handy in various situations. However, this is far from all that this controller can do on this map. Study other materials, watch professional games and broadcasts of professional players to continuously improve your skills and become better in your role.



The key to victory on any map is the correct use of smoke screens, and Haven is no exception. By following the above recommendations, you will be able to more effectively control areas, limit enemy visibility, and ensure safe passage for your team. This will help you fulfill your role fully, and your team will be completely satisfied with you.

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