The variety of agents and their unique abilities is what attracts all players to Valorant. As of today, there are 23 characters available in the game, each with their own unique features, but at the start, only a small part of the overall pool is accessible to you. Usually, the question of how to quickly unlock agents is asked by players who are considering whether to play the shooter from Riot Games, or by newcomers who are just starting their journey in the world of Valorant. So, if you belong to these categories, we recommend reading our tips on how to quickly unlock agents in Valorant.
Complete contracts
At the start of the game, you only have access to 5 agents - Sova, Sage, Brimstone, Phoenix, Jett, as well as one ticket for any character. In addition, players will have one free contract, by completing which, you can get another agent. If seven characters are not enough for you, you need to continue buying them with the new currency, Kingdom Credits. When purchasing a hero for 8,000 Kingdom Credits, you gain access to a chain of rewards, which you can also enhance through purchases. This chain will include various rewards, accessories, graffiti, keychains, as well as the desired KC currency.

We want to highlight important information for players who have left Valorant for some time and only recently returned. In the past, to unlock a new agent, it was necessary to complete his contract entirely, after which the character became available. With the 7.0 update, Riot Games removed this system because it was quite simple and added the Kingdom Credit currency.
Don't forget about missions
After the 7.0 update, Riot Games also updated the mission system. Now players have access to daily missions, for completing which you can get experience for contracts and Kingdom Credit. There are also weekly missions, with a similar reward system. Don't forget that missions are your main way of mining the desired currency. Before starting a match, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the available missions and completing them during the game. Usually, they are quite simple, for example, deal a certain amount of damage, use your ultimate a fixed number of times, and so on. Don't forget about missions, because for beginners with a small pool of agents, they are the only way to get the currency.

Play new modes
In addition to the usual competitive match in Valorant, there are many game modes. Among them: Deathmatch, Spike Rush, Swiftplay, and others. Each mode has its own distribution of experience that players receive after a match. For example, in a normal game and in a ranked mode, players receive 100 XP and 2 KC per round, moreover, if the round was won, the reward is doubled. Thus, assuming that the average game lasts 18-20 rounds, after the match, players will receive at least 2000 experience and 40 KC. This amount will, of course, be larger, because, as we wrote above, winning rounds double the reward. In turn, in Deathmatch mode, participants will receive 900XP and 15 KC after the match ends. But it is worth noting that this mode is much faster than a regular match, that is, players can play 3-4 Deathmatches in the time they could spend on one full match. We recommend trying all modes and calculating which of them is best for farming experience and currency.

Purchase with real money
Although the developers have added many opportunities to unlock the agent you want for free, the fastest way remains to purchase them with real money. In the game client, you can purchase Valorant Points, for which you can buy skins for weapons, various accessories, and of course, agents. The price of VP varies depending on your region, so you can find out how much money you need to spend in the game itself. Each agent costs 1000 VP, so on average, to buy one agent you need to spend about $10. So, if you are too lazy to farm experience and Kingdom Credits, or just don't have time, it makes sense to donate a little real money to fully enjoy the game.

New agents have their own system
A small tip, which you will use very rarely. When new agents are released, they have their own contracts, the total experience for which is summed up with daily and weekly missions. We advise when a new agent appears in Valorant, to temporarily increase your time in it, as well as actively complete missions. In this way, you will not only be levelling up regular characters but also simultaneously farming XP for a new agent. But as we wrote above, new agents appear quite rarely, the last one was the Chinese duelist ISO, who was released on October 30, so most likely we will not see a new character earlier than in half a year’s time.
Now you know how to quickly unlock agents in Valorant. We remind you that you need to play primarily for your pleasure, so we advise you to first unlock characters that you like, and not those that are the most popular or the strongest, according to the community
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