Oleksandrrrrr Vyshtak
BIG1 - 2paiN 1
Come on Big....
The MongolZ2 - 1HEROIC 2
GoGo Mongolz!!!
Vitality advanced to the playoffs of Shanghai Major 2024 — Wildcard was eliminated from the tournament 2
фото - вогонь)
Monte Gen1 - 2Viperio 1
TNL1 - 2KOI 1
ех трошки не вистачило
Spirit0 - 1Passion UA 1
Spirit vs B8: Match Prediction and Analysis at Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024: European RMR B 3
G2 overcame a 13-0 defeat on the first map to reach the semifinals of BLAST Premier: World Final 2024 2
HEROIC1 - 3The MongolZ 1
GUN50 - 2Passion UA 1
G23 - 1Natus Vincere 2
Passion UA2 - 1FAVBET 2
Сподіваюсь обидва підуть шляхом Монте
9INE organized a charity event to help flood victims in Poland 2
ініціатива хороша, але чи багато вони назбирають грошей?
S1mple took part in a scandalous showmatch, causing a wave of criticism 1
Falcons2 - 1Virtus.pro 2
From lucky_cryak to Surgeon: how the war in Ukraine changed the life of a CS2 player 1
Приєднаюсь до слів подяки. Слава Хірургу!
NAVI announces major roster changes after two years of setbacks 1
Час настав)
Sharks0 - 2Patins da Ferrari 1
цікава назва у другої команди)
Virtus.pro1 - 2fnatic 1
The Esports World Cup 2024: Prize Pool Details 4
Ну то могли покликати Heroic
Let’s remember this Dev1ce the Monitor-breaker guy for a moment 3
демки, мувіки, хайлайти
KOI0 - 2Apeks 1
нащо ви взагалі на цей рофло турік заявились...
NaVi Unleashes jL-Inspired Merch Celebrating Major Victory 1
Картинка до новини топ))
r1nkle joins Ninjas in Pajamas 1
Успіхів r1nkle! Давно заслужив!
StarLadder Returns to the Fray with CS2 2
Шкода що чекати ще більше року) і не зрозуміло чи будуть Lan-фінали
Apeks0 - 2B8 1
B8 красунчики!
NAVI Sets Esports Milestone with Over $10 Million in Counter-Strike Prize Winnings 2
А є організації що заробили більше? (цікаво)
FaZe1 - 2Natus Vincere 8
Гру не дивився і результат не знав. Але усі не кіберспортивні канали України скрізь вітають і це приємно!
Spirit vs FaZe Match Prediction and Analysis - PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 1
Давно я за FaZe не вболівав...
CEO NAVI revealed details of s1mple's transfer from Liquid 2
клікбейтна назва))
FaZe0 - 1HEROIC 2
в решті решт не на спіріт же ставити...
Monte Welcomes New Power Duo to CS2 Roster 1
Таке відчуття, немов все треба починати з самого початку...
BLAST Premier: Spring Showdown 2024 Bo3.gg Pick’Em results 11
конструктивна ідея)
Dune and Valorant - The game community has created fan-made skins in collaboration with the famous blockbuster 2
а це взагалі законно?)
B8 Triumphs Over KOI in IEM Dallas 2024 Europe Closed Qualifier 1
Молодці B8!
Thorin criticized the RMR system: "Is this a joke?" 2
Ну буде тобі ще одна європейська команда в турнірі. Чи не все рівно хто буде аутсайдером, європеєць чи американець?
br0 will replace blameF in Astralis 4
Астраліс то ок, а от чи зможуть досягнути попередніх результатів Монте?
sdy left Monte 7
дуже шкода((
s1mple: w0nderful is not a worthy replacement for me 1
Але w0nderful є найкращим з того що міг запропонувати ринок
s1mple: "I would never move to Cloud9 when there are 4 Russian players there" 2
Oleksandrrrrr Vyshtak
Vitality advanced to the playoffs of Shanghai Major 2024 — Wildcard was eliminated from the tournament 2
Spirit vs B8: Match Prediction and Analysis at Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024: European RMR B 3
G2 overcame a 13-0 defeat on the first map to reach the semifinals of BLAST Premier: World Final 2024 2
9INE organized a charity event to help flood victims in Poland 2
S1mple took part in a scandalous showmatch, causing a wave of criticism 1
From lucky_cryak to Surgeon: how the war in Ukraine changed the life of a CS2 player 1
NAVI announces major roster changes after two years of setbacks 1
The Esports World Cup 2024: Prize Pool Details 4
Let’s remember this Dev1ce the Monitor-breaker guy for a moment 3
NaVi Unleashes jL-Inspired Merch Celebrating Major Victory 1
r1nkle joins Ninjas in Pajamas 1
StarLadder Returns to the Fray with CS2 2
NAVI Sets Esports Milestone with Over $10 Million in Counter-Strike Prize Winnings 2
Spirit vs FaZe Match Prediction and Analysis - PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 1
CEO NAVI revealed details of s1mple's transfer from Liquid 2
Monte Welcomes New Power Duo to CS2 Roster 1
BLAST Premier: Spring Showdown 2024 Bo3.gg Pick’Em results 11
Dune and Valorant - The game community has created fan-made skins in collaboration with the famous blockbuster 2
B8 Triumphs Over KOI in IEM Dallas 2024 Europe Closed Qualifier 1
Thorin criticized the RMR system: "Is this a joke?" 2
br0 will replace blameF in Astralis 4
sdy left Monte 7
s1mple: w0nderful is not a worthy replacement for me 1
s1mple: "I would never move to Cloud9 when there are 4 Russian players there" 2