Today, the Ukrainian esports organization Monte became the center of discussion after an ambiguous post on its Telegram channel. The message, which was later deleted, stated that Volodymyr “Woro2k” Velytnyuk was returning to the team as a captain (IGL). The official Monte Telegram channel posted the following message:
“The king is here! Woro2k returns to the team as IGL.”
Information leak or masterful byte?
Fans are actively discussing a possible comeback:
- Some are sure that this indicates Woro2k's return to Monte.
- Others believe that this is a marketing ploy to attract attention.
At the time of writing, Monte has not confirmed this information.
Why is Woro2k's return important?
Woro2k played for Monte from July 2022 to July 2024, during which time he became one of the key players. His achievements with Monte:
- Winning the ESL Challenger Jönköping 2023.
- 1/4 finals of Paris Major 2023.
- Top 4 at ESL Challenger Atlanta 2023 and ESL Pro League Season 18.
If Woro2k does return, it could be an important step for Monte's roster renewal, especially after the recent changes to the roster.
Who leave the team?
Earlier, Monte announced that their Polish player Kamil “KEi” Petkun was leaving the active roster. In the context of these changes, rumors about the return of Woro2k seem quite logical, as he could replace KEi.
Monte's potential lineup with Woro2k
If the rumors are confirmed, Monte may get the following composition:
- Woro2k (IGL)
This return can strengthen not only the team spirit but also the game results, as Volodymyr is known for his leadership skills and experience in the international arena.
What's next?
Monte has not yet commented on the rumors, but fans are actively discussing the possible return of Woro2k. In any case, this could be a key moment in the team's preparation for the next season.
We are waiting for official announcements to find out whether Woro2k will become a part of Monte again.
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