Top 5 things Valve MUST fix before CS2 release
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  • 18:11, 11.09.2023

Top 5 things Valve MUST fix before CS2 release

Just recently Valve gave away access to the closed beta of CS2 to more than 50% of users. Players have already played thousands of hours of the game, generally testing it properly.

Referring to the fact that this is the "Beta" version of the game, players have already found a ton of flaws. It is in this article that we will analyze the very flaws that the developers need to fix urgently!


In CS:GO players were used to hearing clear and transparent sound, which gave a clear understanding of the enemy. Which means that the sound fixation of your opponent could happen down to the pixels.

But here in CS2 we can observe a different story. Now navigating by sound has become much more difficult, because every object on the map reflects sounds in its own way.

But this does not cancel the fact that at the moment the sound of the game when coming out of the speakers will sound like from a can. But that's not the main problem!

In CS2 Valve added a new system of subs, which also affects the sound. There is a feeling that the sound comes with a delay, and also the soundtrack is somehow cut.

To confirm my words you should look at this video that clearly shows the difference in sound in CS:GO and CS2.

A new tickrate

What can we say about the new tikreit called sabtik? Nothing good, really. On official servers from Valve, the game feels cutthroat already, not even mentioning the fact that you'll constantly get killed already after you've gone behind the wall.

Otherwise, we can only say that tikreit on servers from Valve feels even worse than 64 in CS:GO. Unlike Faceit, who somehow managed to reduce frezzes in the game, as well as added smoothness and more logical behavior of sabtics.

But still at the moment sabtics ≠ 64 ticret and 128 ticret.

The whole problem is that now the game sends one big packet of files to the server at the end of a sabtick. And previously the game sent every 64 small packets per second to the server at 64 ticreit and respectively 128 packets per second.

This is the reason why flicks are now harder, not to mention clamping, which is almost impossible to control at this point. For confirmation of what I'm saying, take a look at this video:

Also you just look at the advantage the picking side has over the receiving side:

Fans suggested adding a new game mode in CS2 — overtime only
Fans suggested adding a new game mode in CS2 — overtime only   


Now let's move on to the more obvious problems. If you ever enter the game with 100% you will encounter teleportation at the beginning of a round.

It's still unclear what this is related to, but what is clear is that if you touch your teammate you will be randomly teleported within a meter radius, which makes it extremely difficult to throw grenades on the run, and can simply destroy your trajectory!

VAC Anti-cheat

Time passes, but the problems remain the same. Well, what can you do Valve does not want to improve their anti-cheat. After all, on the second day of beta-testing in Premier Mode matches with a probability of 50% you could meet cheaters.

From the usual VC or AIM, all the way to the twist!

But this is not the saddest thing. It became known that VAC causes freezes in CS2 on official servers from Valve.

If you enable CS2 with the -insecure parameter, you can see that the framerate graph will become smoother.

Obviously, without VAC you won't be able to run MM and we can only hope that Valve will fix this problem soon.

But on Faceit, even with this command, you will be able to play more than safely!

The CS2 beta is currently experiencing quite frequent interruptions every half a second, this disappears if you run the game with the -insecure parameter. You can try this yourself and see if the game runs smoother (obviously you can't play in matchmaking mode). Thanks to the people at steamdb (Max, H7per)


Now our favorite game will be played on the MR12 system, with such a mode in general and began Counter:Strike! But this is not the most important thing.

Economy was sharpened under the MR15 format, which gave variability to teams, they could save more often or make eco.

Now there is no such opportunity and it is worth as soon as possible to come up with something with the economy, perhaps to return to the roots, or maybe come up with something new.

After all, now after losing a pistol round there are almost no options to do eco, because you need to do forcebye. And also players began to save more often.

So changes in the economy - just inevitable!

322 Mafia is willing to pay $480,000 a year to organise rigged tournaments
322 Mafia is willing to pay $480,000 a year to organise rigged tournaments   

Bottom line

Many players complain about different things in the new game, but it is worth reminding them that this is only a beta version and the developers almost every day release a new update with fixes!

Remember how it was during the transition from 1.6 to GO version. At the beginning everyone poured waste on the developers, but later admired the game.

All of us just need to not throw dirt on the developers, but on the contrary help them, giving constructive criticism. And only in this way we will create a new masterpiece in the shooter genre!

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