Ten best agent duos to play together in Valorant

Ten best agent duos to play together in Valorant

Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter characterized by a variety of agents. Each agent has unique abilities. The correct combination of agents can give the team an advantage in the game, especially when players play in pairs. In this article, we will consider the ten best duos in Valorant.

1. Breach and Raze


The duo of agents Breach and Raze is one of the strongest in the game. Almost every ability of theirs pairs beautifully with the abilities of the other agent. One of their strongest combinations is Raze's grenade and Breach's ability to stun opponents. When both abilities are used simultaneously against opponents, the chances of their survival are almost non-existent.

2. Raze and Astra


Another duo that is tied to Raze's grenade, but this time with the agent Astra, one of the best controllers in the game. The foundation of their combination is Astra's "Gravity Well" and "Nova Pulse", which slow down and increase damage to enemy agents, combined with Raze's grenade. This combination can also be used with Raze's ultimate.

3. Jett and Breach


The duo of Breach and Jett is an ideal choice for players set on a fast and aggressive game. Thanks to his stunning and flashbang abilities, Breach can provide a clear and fast path to the spike planting site for the mobile agent Jett. This combination allows Jett to easily and quickly infiltrate important positions on the map, gaining a significant advantage over the opponents.

4. Harbor and Gekko


Agents Harbor and Gekko are the ideal choice for players who prefer slow gameplay and a strategic approach to the game Valorant. The main advantage of this duo is their game on the attack side, thanks to the abilities "Cove" from Harbor and "Wingman" from Gekko they can easily plant the spike without any contact with the enemies. Afterwards, they can play the post-plant situation, having "Dizzy" from Gekko, which blinds the enemies and "Mosh Pit" which inflicts significant damage in the area. And all this can be used behind Harbor's wall, for greater surprise.

5. Sage and Raze


Here is another duo, and again Raze. This combination involves Raze's grenade and Sage's "Slow Orb" ability. The latter, as the name suggests, slows down everyone who walks on it, allowing Raze's grenade to do as much damage as possible to enemies who find themselves in its action zone. This duo demonstrates a harmonious combination of aggressive gameplay and support, allowing the team to be more effective and stable in different Valorant game situations.

6. Astra and Killjoy


Astra and Killjoy are the perfect duo for players who enjoy tactics, strategy, and slow gameplay, with a focus on map control and gathering information about the opponent's team. Astra can significantly complicate the opponents' exit to the point. In the meantime, Killjoy provides additional protection with her grenades and turret, dealing substantial damage to enemies trying to break through.

7. Skye and Jett


The duo of Jett and Skye is an excellent combination of support and aggressive gameplay style; they complement each other perfectly. Skye is able to launch a hawk that blinds opponents, and Jett can quickly approach them and easily finish the kill. In addition, Skye can heal allies, which is particularly useful for such aggressive agents as Jett, who often find themselves in shootouts.

8. Breach and Brimstone


Breach and Brimstone are agents that will complement the pick on any map with their controlling and initiating abilities. The main strength of the duo lies in their ults. By using them, opponents won't have a chance to survive on the point, so the team will be able to easily enter it.

9. Reyna and Fade


Fade and Reyna form a duo for aggressive gameplay. The agents complement each other wonderfully. Fade easily checks hard positions and finds enemies with his abilities, and Reyna finishes the job by killing them, thereby gaining an advantage in the round.

10. Fade and Raze


Fade and Raze are agents with a great number of abilities for checking corners and dealing lethal damage. The primary combination of the agents is Fade's "Seize", which ties enemies to a spot, preventing them from escaping Raze's grenade. After such a combination, no one survives.

These agent duos are just a few of the many possible combinations in Valorant. They all depend on the gameplay style and skills of the players. Experiment with different combinations and find the one that suits you best.

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