sh1ro has left the main roster of Cloud9
  • Transfers

  • 21:05, 26.10.2023

sh1ro has left the main roster of Cloud9

Cloud9 sniper Dmitry "sh1ro" Sokolov has left the main roster of the Russian team. The organization reported that the player is available for transfer to other teams.

Cloud9 active roster:

Sh1ro joined Cloud9 last April when the American organization bought out the Players (ex-Gambit) roster. As a member of Cloud9, he won IEM Dallas 2022 and Brazy Party 2023. The team also reached two majors: PGL Major Antwerp 2022 and IEM Rio Major 2022.

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It is not yet known who will replace sh1ro in the upcoming matches. Rumors have been linked to the team of Abdul "degster" Gasanov, who has been on the bench of the OG organization since July this year. Tomorrow at 11:00 EEST, Cloud9 will meet fnatic in the first match of the Thunderpick World Championship 2023.

Header image: ESL Copyright | Adela Sznajder

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