"Sex Is Temporary, And CS:GO Is Eternal": Porn Actress Eva Elfie Held a Blitz With Players And Casters At IEM Rio Major 2022

"Sex Is Temporary, And CS:GO Is Eternal": Porn Actress Eva Elfie Held a Blitz With Players And Casters At IEM Rio Major 2022

Porn actress Eva Elfie asked provocative questions of IEM Rio Major 2022 participants and commentators. Blitz was published on her YouTube channel.

CS: GO. [Why?] Well, sex is temporary, and CS:GO is eternal. <...> CS:GO is always fun to play, and you can make good money from it. CS:GO will not leave you anywhere. And in sex, everything is different: you may like sex with her, but then she leaves, and you are left with a broken heart. Counter-Strike will never break your heart.
James BanKs Banks
I already said my girl is waiting for me at home, and this person will be angry if I choose CS:GO, so sex.
Waldemar valde Vance
I thought about it. I have a favourite child, so sex.
Nick nitr0 Cannella
Of course... CS:GO. <...> CS:GO is our life, our work, a big part of my life. Sex with my girlfriend is part of our relationship, so I choose work.
Marcelo coldzera David

IEM Rio Major 2022 took place from October 31 to November 13. Outsiders became the champions of the competition. In the tournament's final, Djame Jame Ali's team beat Heroic with a score of 2:0.

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