20:58, 26.08.2023

Riot Games has unveiled their new Sunset map, releasing a trailer on Valorant's official YouTube channel. In this article, you will find screenshots, a video overview, and the release date for the new map.
The map is inspired by Riot's hometown of Los Angeles. It features artworks by local graffiti artists. It's a three-lane map with 2 bases for spike planting and a strong emphasis on controlling its center.
Detailed Map Overview
The prominent influencer in the Valorant community released a video with a detailed overview of the new map on the beta test server, which is accessible only to influencers. Streamers, YouTubers, and professional players from various countries and regions are set to host show matches on this new map on August 27th.

Release Date
The new map will be introduced to the game with the launch of Episode 7's Act 2, on August 29th. In the initial weeks of the release, the map will be available only in the Swift Play mode, allowing players to familiarize themselves with it. Afterward, the map will be added to both the standard and competitive modes.
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