New NVIDIA update contains mentions of the CS:GO switch to Source 2

New NVIDIA update contains mentions of the CS:GO switch to Source 2

In the NVIDIA Control Panel, gaming profiles named Counter-Strike 2 were discovered by Reddit user DAOWAce.

Where did the mention of Counter-Strike 2 come from?

The corresponding profiles are named Counter-Strike 2 and refer to two different executable files - cs2.exe and csgos2.exe. Both mentions appeared in the NVIDIA Control Panel in February 2023 as part of a driver update from the company.

Content creator Maxim Gabe Follower Poletaev confirmed the existence of the profiles and explained how to find them in the program. To do this, you need to go to the "Manage 3D Settings" section, disable the "Show only programs found on this computer" option, and find the desired mention in the drop-down list.

When will CS:GO switch to Source 2?

The dataminer previously stated that CS:GO will switch to Source 2 in the first quarter of 2023, and a fan of the game under the nickname EyesRedAsTheDvilsDck allegedly revealed the exact release date of the new shooter version by deciphering Valve's comment on Twitter. More about this can be read in the article.

In February, CS:GO set a new online record four times, with the latest peak reaching 1,355,797 users. It is unknown what specifically influenced this, but it could be the release of a new case, the start of a new competitive season, or recent changes in game balance. A detailed breakdown is available at the link.

Counter-Strike 2 references in NVIDIA services
Counter-Strike 2 references in NVIDIA services
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