New bug in CS2
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  • 12:34, 07.05.2024

New bug in CS2

Recently, a bug was discovered in the CS2 player community that significantly affects the balance of the game. Remember the old jump bug that BIG used at the PGL Krakow Major 2017? 7 years later a similar one was found, but only in CS2. By binding certain attack commands, players on the attacking side can activate a high jump that would normally not be possible. The required command sequence "+attack;-attack;slot5" requires a tactical backpack to be activated, limiting the exploit to a single command.

The bug does not appear to have been intended by the developers and provides a significant tactical advantage, especially on maps with vertical elements where high vantage points can be crucial. The discovery has sparked a flurry of activity on forums and social media, with players discussing the implications for competitive play.

The developers are expected to release a patch soon, but in the meantime, players and tournament organizers are calling for temporary measures to mitigate the impact of this bug. The situation highlights the ongoing challenges that developers face in trying to keep the game balanced in an ever-evolving competitive scene.

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