LMBT Reflects on Monte's Struggles at IEM Dallas 2024

LMBT Reflects on Monte's Struggles at IEM Dallas 2024

After Monte challenging performance at IEM Dallas 2024, where the team was swiftly eliminated, coach Sergey "LMBT" Bezhanov shared a somber reflection on their season's last LAN tournament. The experience underscored a season fraught with challenges and set the stage for a period of intense effort and rejuvenation.

Monte faced stiff competition and suffered early exits, notably losing 0-2 against Falcons and 12-16 to Vitality. Highlighting the pivotal moments that could have changed the team's fate, like a crucial 3v2 round against Vitality and the potential matchups that followed. He emphasized the high cost of mistakes in Counter-Strike, pointing out that each error not only impacted individual games but the morale of the team.

What a difference fate can make in a tournament, win a fantastically lost 3v2 round with a Vitality, meet G2 with a substitute and play 9Z for the semifinals of the tournament, lose, you're out on the first day of the tournament (c). This is obvious, but a good friend and a very experienced person also wrote me this obvious thing. Why am I writing this to you - so that you can understand the price of one mistake in the CS. Why am I writing this to myself? To remind myself every time how unpleasant it is to take the last place.
Sergey "LMBT" Bezhanov 

The past months have been particularly taxing for Monte. Since the departure of players sdy and br0, the team has played 32 matches, losing half of them. Woro2k, the team’s sniper, managed to outperform his counterpart in only 7 of these victories, and just once during their losses, which notably came in their BO1 match against Vitality at Dallas.

As Monte looks to regroup and strengthen for the upcoming season, LMBT's candid insights shed light on the tough realities of professional esports, highlighting the need for strategic resilience and mental fortitude. The road ahead will be about gathering both moral and physical strength, preparing for a comeback where fans expect to see them.

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