Reporter Hannah Marie accused analyst Maniac of sexual harassment
Reporter Hannah Marie accused analyst Maniac of sexual harassment

This summer, New Meta Arena manager and Esports News UK reporter Hannah Marie reported being sexually assaulted by the famous Counter-Strike analyst Maniac, who she said touched her inappropriately during an after-party at the tournament. In a series of tweets, Hannah described the incident when Maniac systematically harassed her for three hours in the presence of other people.

Details of the incident

The incident occurred during an afterparty at a Counter-Strike event. Hannah reported that Maniac was intoxicated, but despite this, he was aware of his actions. The harassment lasted from 23:00 to 2:00 in the morning, and included indecent touching, genital squeezing and other forms of physical harassment. Khanna admitted that she was shocked and so scared that she vomited on her way home.

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Hannah also contacted the company in question, which conducted an internal investigation and confirmed her allegations. However, later, one of the company's employees accidentally sent her a letter in which he admitted that they planned to ignore her request to recognize the results of the investigation. Because of this, Hannah decided to go public with her experience to warn other women about the possible dangers.

Community reaction

The esports community expressed its support for Hannah. In response to her statement, hundreds of comments were posted on the X platform from well-known personalities in the esports scene supporting her decision to speak out about her experience. Many people expressed sympathy, thanking Hannah for her courage.

However, there were also some critical comments that questioned her statements, calling for more evidence of the incident. One critic noted that publishing such allegations without evidence could have a negative impact on reputation.

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Previous problems with Maniac

Maniac has previously been criticized for its behavior. Many in the community recalled his behavior on stage, where he often crossed the line when communicating with his colleagues. This incident only added fuel to the fire, and now even more people are calling attention to his behavior and demanding a fair investigation. ARKO has also recently accused him of ruining his family.

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