Give Back 2023 Skin Bundle Raises $4.3 Million for Charity
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  • 18:50, 18.08.2023

Give Back 2023 Skin Bundle Raises $4.3 Million for Charity

The Give Back Bundle 2023 was added to the game on July 19 and was available for purchase until August 4. 50 percent of skin sales and 100 percent of card profits were directed to the Riot Games charity fund. In such a short time, the community was able to raise a sum of $4.3 million, as announced by Riot Games on the Valorant Twitter account.

Thanks to your support and generosity on the Give Back Bundle, we have raised over $4.3 million for the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed - without you, we couldn't have done it.

Riot Games releases a "Give Back" bundle annually, which includes four skins. The company gives the game's fans the right to choose which skins are included in the bundle. Therefore, before each collection release, the developers conduct a survey in which the skins that received the most votes are included in the collection.

The Give Back Bundle 2023 is the third set in the "Give Back" series and consists of the skins:

  • Gaia Vengeance Vandal
  • Magepunk Sheriff
  • Recon Specter
  • Reaver Guardian

If you combine the funds obtained from this set with the other two, the community has been able to raise over $14.3 million for the Riot Games charity fund.

Riot Games has long been raising tens of millions for various charitable organizations through the Riot Social Impact Fund, hosting events like Give Back in their other games.

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