Spanish journalist Alejandro Gomis released the first details of the upcoming VCT 2024 season on his Twitter account, which he acquired from his sources.
Sources: VCT 2024 schedule and substitute rules to be changed in 2024.
— Alejandro Gomis (@anonimotum) August 5, 2023
VCT teams are expected to have the opportunity to establish a partner team in tier 2. This will allow them to promote players from the partner team as subs for the VCT.@blix_gg ⬇️https://t.co/8MlFx2wMQ2
VCT 2024 Dates

According to Riot Games' plans, the next VCT season in 2024 is set to begin at the start of the year, in January, and conclude in September. Over the span of nine months, they plan to host at least two Masters tournaments, one tournament for all partner teams, an entire league season, and the concluding world championship. The upcoming year promises to be jam-packed with tournaments, which is exciting news for Valorant fans and viewers.
One of the Most Significant Changes
One of the most significant changes will allow tier-1 teams to form partnerships with tier-2 teams, within which they will develop between 1 to 4 of their players in regional leagues for potential promotion to their main team in the future.

Second Masters

As we previously mentioned, Riot Games plan to host two Masters tournaments next year, instead of just one as in this season. Masters tournaments are akin to Major tournaments in CS:GO, where the best teams from all over the world gather to compete for a hefty prize, the champion title, and spots in the world championship. There's already some information available about one of the tournaments, which you can read about in our article.
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