Bulgarian casino CS2 skins drove Ukrainian player to suicide
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  • 07:40, 19.09.2024

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Bulgarian casino CS2 skins drove Ukrainian player to suicide

Ganginho claims that his best friend attempted suicide after losing $40,000 due to his account being blocked at Bulgarian Casino 500, without explanation. The accusation was published on social media, where it has already shocked the community.

According to the post, the incident started two weeks ago when a friend of the author won a significant amount of money by betting on CSGO500. After receiving $40,000, he was hoping to finally move his family out of Kharkiv, Ukraine, where there is constant shelling and problems with light and water due to the war in the country. However, his dreams came crashing down when the site allegedly blocked his account and zeroed out his balance.

Details of the incident

The author of the post tried to contact the platform's representatives but was unsuccessful. This left his friend, who was already mired in debt and gambling addiction, deeply depressed. As a result, he attempted suicide but is now in hospital and on the mend.

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500Casino Director's Response

The CEO of CSGO500 rejected claims that the blocking is related to winnings, insinuating that Ganginho or his friend are spreading false information.

The ban is 100% justified, whatever story or slander you - or your friend - may have made up.

CS2 roster casino 500

This casino as well as other Bookmakers have their CS2 roster, who have not commented on the situation in any way so far. Their results lately have not exactly been good, where at the last ESEA Advanced Season 50 Europe tournament they finished 9-12th and stayed in the league for next season.

Team composition:

Community Reaction

The situation has caused even more outcry, with many users accusing the platform of fraud, claiming that CSGO500 blocks accounts after large winnings. The community is calling for transparency and investigation of the site.

Most people in the comments below the post are sending words of support to a friend of Ganginho, but who exactly that is is unknown. Which is right on some level, because it could affect him badly in the future.

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Regardless of the true reasons for the lockout, the case has brought attention to the issues of gaming addiction and financial hardship that can be exacerbated by unpredictable actions. It is important to remember that lives are on the line in these situations, and they require not only a legal but also a moral approach.

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