BIG dumps from IEM Dallas 2024

BIG dumps from IEM Dallas 2024

In a fierce confrontation at IEM Dallas 2024, German team BIG knocked out of the tournament with a 2-1 victory. The match, which was decided on the third map Dust II, demonstrated an impressive revival of BIG, who remembered their best days.

The first Inferno map ended with a score of 13-5 in favor of BIG, showing their strong play and strategic preparation. However, managed to win back on the second map, Ancient, with a score of 13-10, demonstrating a tendency to unpredictable play that kept the series intriguing.

The last map, Dust II, witnessed a defining performance by BIG, where Jon "JDC" de Castro, the MVP, showed an impressive performance with 50 kills throughout the game. His confident performance helped BIG not only win the match, but also secured a place in the next round of the competition.


For, this defeat means their exit from the tournament. At the same time, BIG is looking forward to its next match against Heroic, which promises to be another exciting clash.

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