The value of flashbang  in CS2: a detailed analysis of high-level usage

The value of flashbang in CS2: a detailed analysis of high-level usage

In light of the recent discussion on Reddit analyzing Leetify data, it's important to consider how flashbang usage has changed in Counter-Strike 2. The graph from Leetify shows the relationship between the number of lightning bolts thrown and the time to damage. This metric allows players to evaluate the effectiveness of their actions in the game and adapt to the level of cheaters, which are known to become more visible at Elo levels above 15,000.

According to the discussion, many players have expressed concern that at higher levels, the use of lightning bolts may not be as expected, as cheaters can ignore or effectively avoid their effects. This causes strategies that normally work at lower levels to become less effective.


Some users have also complained about the accessibility of Leetify's data, claiming that only users with a Pro subscription can download demo records for analysis, which limits general access to the full range of analytical tools. This raised the question of whether the gaming community is really getting the right tool to analyze and improve their skills.

Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of data collection and analysis in modern video games, as well as the need to understand how high-level players use game mechanics to succeed when faced with unfair opponents.

Source: Reddit

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