Every newcomer to CS:GO faces challenges that can be surprisingly difficult to overcome. Not only talent and skill determine success in this famous tactical shooter, but also knowledge of key concepts and the ability to avoid typical mistakes. In this article we will look at the mistakes that beginners make most often and what skills and knowledge they need to develop to become more successful in the world of CS:GO.
Always pushing
Over-aggressiveness is a phenomenon that many players face. At a certain point, you seem to be able to easily break through your opponent, and you start advancing without even paying attention to possible dangers, such as smoke screens. You feel that your opponent is on the verge of death, and you strive to kill him without suspecting anything about the hidden dangers.
However, it's important to keep in mind what's in store for you in the game, and sometimes a more deliberate approach can be more effective. It's worth pausing and weighing your actions before making any decisive moves. In the above situation, for example, you can use a safer tactic and shoot a smoke screen at your opponent's intended location, allowing you to manage the situation on the map more effectively and safely.
But such knowledge can't just be obtained - it's all the experience of thousands of official matches played!

Scope positioning
One of the most common mistakes that beginners encounter is low aim positioning. The correct aiming position should be at the level of your opponent's head to allow for more effective and accurate shots, especially when you have the opportunity to make a headshot.
Getting used to and practicing the skill of keeping your sights at head level is one of the important steps to improving your game in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This skill will help you increase the likelihood of successful shots and ultimately increase your effectiveness on the battlefield.
Even when you can't see your opponent, you shouldn't be mopping the floor with your sights, anticipate where your enemy might be right now and place your sights at head level so you don't waste time aiming!

Scope customization
Now let's talk about the scope customization. As silly as it may seem - but it is important. It is worth choosing a scope that will suit you!
There are special maps in Steam Workshop, where you can customize the sight so that it corresponds to your individual preferences and becomes more convenient for you, and all this can be done without any extra effort.
Customizing the scope to suit your needs can greatly improve your accuracy and comfort when shooting in the game. This is one way to customize the game's interface to better suit your style and preferences, and thus improve your performance in CS:GO.
To customize the scope, it is best to use this map:

Playing without Shift
Sometimes you may want to play a quick round and surprise your opponent early in the game, but your team decides to proceed more carefully and methodically. However, the excessive noise you can make with your extra steps or the noise of gunfire and grenades can sometimes be detrimental to your team, as well as give away your position to the enemy.
Keep your team engaged and try to minimize unnecessary noise on the map. Silence can be a powerful weapon that can confuse your opponent and disrupt their plans.
It's worth remembering that the enemy can't hear just the sound of weapons clicking in their hands, unlike everyone else. So it's best to stay in informational silence and don't make the most noise!
Reload on time
Another common and serious problem that many players face is the fear of an "empty clip" and underestimating the remaining ammo in the clip. It often happens that after firing only a few shots, a player decides to start reloading even though there are enough rounds left in his clip to kill a few more enemies.
Evaluate the situation correctly and don't give your opponents a chance to catch you reloading. Just don't reload if you're already on point, but you know that in theory there might be another opponent.

Count the money, gentlemen
One of the critical aspects that CS:GO newcomers often overlook is understanding the economics of the game. Especially in competitive mode, economics has a huge impact on the outcome of a match. By starting a round with different amounts of money, teams can adjust their plans and tactics, making resource management a key challenge.
Knowing how to properly count your own and your rival's finances while playing a game is not a difficult skill, but a much-needed one. Completing tasks such as planting or defusing a bomb, or killing an enemy brings in extra money, which can affect your ability to purchase more powerful weapons. It's also important to keep an eye on your allies' finances and offer purchasing assistance to create balance in your team and increase their chances of winning. In the end, money management can make your team more successful and increase your chances of winning a match.

More positive, less negative
Toxic behavior is common in the world of online gaming, including CS:GO. Often players, when someone makes a mistake, react with aggression, insults and psyching out. This can seriously affect the psychological state of the entire team and negatively impact their success.
It is important to learn how to communicate culturally and tactfully even in situations where someone has made a mistake. Instead of getting angry and criticizing, you can try to explain the mistake in a calm and constructive manner. This will help create a more positive playing environment and promote cooperation within the team, which in turn will increase the chances of success in the match.
It is always better to support a player who has ruined a round or a moment. After all, he will take the most important round or clutch later on, as is right!
Provided that after the failure no one threw mud on him!

The one who owns the information - owns the world
Information is the key factor of success in CS:GO. Without it, it is almost impossible to win. If you do not pay enough attention to passing information to your teammates about the actions of your opponents, it can be half of losing a match. Understanding the game situation and your opponent's actions depends on timely information, and it is the foundation for team play.
The ability to communicate information about the position and movements of your opponents, the state of the map and your actions is the most important aspect of communication in CS:GO. Lack of this information can make coordination and team tactics very difficult, while its presence contributes to a more successful game and a better chance of winning.
Run and Shoot
One common mistake that newcomers to CS:GO encounter is shooting on the move. Often players try to move forward and shoot at the same time, or even move away from danger by stepping backwards but continuing to shoot. These actions are often pointless and can significantly hinder your game.
The best solution in such cases is to take a comfortable shooting position. This will increase your accuracy and the likelihood of killing the enemy, which in turn can benefit your team and help you achieve victory.
Yes, sometimes you might get lucky and your stray bullet will fly into your opponent's head as you run, but more often than not you won't hit a single bullet.
Before a game, it's best to warm up
Neglecting to warm up is one of the most common and, at the same time, fundamental mistakes that not only beginners but also experienced players often make. The need to devote at least 10 minutes to warming up before a game cannot be underestimated. It's a time that helps you get in the mood, refresh your skills and get a better feel for your mouse and sensitivity (sensor).
The warm-up will not only benefit you personally, but also your team. It will allow you to be more accurate and confident in combat, which will increase your chances of success in the match. It is important to remember that even at the highest level of the game, professional players warm up regularly to stay in shape and maximize their performance as a team.
The best warm-up is of course either maps with Bots or just regular DM!

In conclusion, mastering the world of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a fascinating and exciting journey that requires time, patience, and constant improvement. Keep in mind these key mistakes that newcomers often make, and try to avoid them on your way to improving your game. Remember the importance of teamwork, communication, map knowledge and economics. With every mistake comes new experience, and most importantly, don't lose your motivation.
We wish you many exciting moments, epic victories and of course, good luck in your future battles in CS:GO!
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