This League of Legends champion has the highest AFK rate
This League of Legends champion has the highest AFK rate

We have all experienced this horrible moment where someone abandons the match while they're on your team, leaving you a teammate down and a loss is almost definitely on the horizon. Whether that be in League of Legends, VALORANT, or any other competitive title for that matter, it's never a fun thing to experience as it just feels like a big waste of time. In League of Legends, this particular champion garners the most AFK's at the time of writing this article, stay tuned.

According to League of Legends stat site Leagueofgraphs, Aatrox is confirmed to have the highest AFK rate at 8.06%, with the second being Sett and the third being Zed. As you can already start to imagine, these are champions who are in the solo lane positions. Which to a degree does make sense even if leaving the match is never the correct decision for any League of Legends player.

Image via Riot Games<br>
Image via Riot Games

Aatrox is a very skill reliant champion, meaning you can't really cruise through the game and win, you have to be in the opponents face to get the maximum out of the champion. Which is why there is a higher chance of things going wrong. Aatrox has a decent early game, but if he is against a ranged champion, or one that can evadge his damage, it's a rather tough lane for the champion. This means Aatrox players will be prone to more deaths, and as Aatrox, if you have a bad early game, you're basically out the game for good.

It's a tough life being a solo laner, as once your opponent gets the edge, they rarely lose it. As for Aatrox having the highest AFK rate, you often find top laners are the ones looking to shut down their PC's as fast as possible. At least half of the champions that feature from this AFK rate list are top lane champions. To put it into a broader perspective, eight of the ten champions that feature on this list are solo lane champions. Not to say these lanes are not as significant, but the game needs ADCs, supports, and junglers at all stages of the game to function well.

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