Changes in the Ranked Mode of League of Legends in 2025
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  • 18:50, 25.11.2024

Changes in the Ranked Mode of League of Legends in 2025

Riot Games has announced major changes to the ranked mode of League of Legends, which will take effect in 2025. The updates are aimed at improving match quality, enhancing player satisfaction, and addressing accumulated issues such as rank inflation and the difficulty of returning to the game after long breaks.

Key Innovations

One of the key changes is the discontinuation of frequent rank resets. Next year, the rank reset will occur only once, at the beginning of the year. This aims to make the ladder progression process more enjoyable and reduce stress levels for players.

Source: Riot Games
Source: Riot Games

Additionally, the conditions for obtaining Victorious skins will change. The base version of the skin will be available for 15 wins in ranked games during each thematic season, making the reward more accessible. However, obtaining the color schemes will require more effort.

Rank Inflation Issue

In 2025, Riot Games intends to tackle the inflation of high ranks, which has been observed in recent years. Due to an excess of players in the master and diamond ranks, the quality of matches in these divisions has deteriorated. The new skill and rank distribution system is expected to eliminate the imbalance and restore value to high ranks.

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Returning Players

For those returning to the game after a long break, the soft reset system will be enhanced. This will allow such players to adapt and avoid situations where they are placed in matches not suited to their skills.

Source: Riot Games
Source: Riot Games

Combating Smurf Accounts

Riot Games continues to fight against boosting and manipulation in ranked games. The new system of rank resets and a selective approach to accounts is expected to increase the fairness of matches, especially at higher levels.

What's Next?

Riot Games emphasizes that this is only part of the planned improvements. The team will continue to work on match quality, the rewards system, and rank matchmaking to ensure the game brings more enjoyment and motivation to players.

The year 2025 promises to be significant for the ranked system of League of Legends. We are left to await the first results of the implementation of these changes.

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