Jungle Tier List: Mastering the Jungle in League of Legends
Jungle Tier List: Mastering the Jungle in League of Legends

The jungle role is crucial in League of Legends, as junglers have the power to dictate the pace of the game through ganks, objective control, and map pressure.

The current jungle meta in Patch 14.19 features a mix of aggressive assassins, tanky initiators, and utility-driven picks. Here's a breakdown of the best and worst jungle champions based on their performance in the current patch.

D-Tier (0.00 - 36.81)

D-Tier champions are underperforming in the current jungle meta due to weak early game pressure, poor scaling, or lack of synergy with the patch's itemization and playstyle.

  • Sylas (36.81): Sylas has potential, but his lack of early clear speed and reliance on stealing good ultimates makes him inconsistent in the jungle role.
  • Maokai (34.90): Once a viable jungle pick, Maokai’s slow clear and poor ganking potential place him in a weak position in the current meta.
  • Rumble (34.19): Rumble’s jungle clear can be effective, but he struggles to have consistent impact due to his reliance on specific team fights.
  • Olaf (33.07): Olaf can dominate early duels, but his all-in style is punished by the prevalence of tanky or mobile junglers that can outpace him.
  • Naafiri (31.00): Naafiri lacks the tools to compete with top-tier jungle picks, struggling with weak clear and poor objective control.
  • Qiyana (30.92): While strong in lane, Qiyana’s jungle performance is underwhelming due to her reliance on quick burst combos and poor sustainability in extended fights.

C-Tier (36.81 - 41.74)

C-Tier champions can work in specific situations but are generally not optimal jungle picks in Patch 14.19. They may excel in certain matchups but struggle to be consistently effective.

  • Rek'Sai (41.74): Rek'Sai’s early game presence is strong, but her lack of late-game scaling and reliance on snowballing early makes her a niche pick.
  • Teemo (41.33): Teemo’s traps can be frustrating, but his weak ganks and poor objective control limit his effectiveness as a jungler.
  • Trundle (41.27): Trundle shines against tank-heavy comps, but he struggles against more mobile or aggressive picks in the current meta.
  • Jax, Talon, Poppy, Zed, Rengar: These champions have strong individual playstyles but often lack the clear speed, gank pressure, or team utility needed to compete with stronger jungle picks.
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B-Tier (41.74 - 48.60)

B-Tier junglers are decent picks that can work well in certain matchups or compositions but lack the versatility or power of higher-tier champions. They are effective but may require specific conditions to reach their full potential.

  • Hecarim (48.60): Hecarim’s mobility and engage potential keep him viable, but he is outclassed by faster or tankier picks.
  • Wukong (48.23): Wukong’s ability to disrupt team fights with his ultimate makes him solid, but his early gank pressure isn’t as strong as other picks.
  • Sejuani, Gragas, Vi, Rammus, Gwen, Brand, Bel'Veth, Ekko, Kindred, Zyra, Taliyah, Evelynn: These champions offer utility, burst, or engage potential but often require team coordination or specific matchups to maximize their effectiveness.

A-Tier (48.60 - 57.13)

A-Tier junglers are dependable choices that can perform well in most games. They offer a balance of gank potential, objective control, and late-game impact, making them solid picks for climbing the ladder.

  • Master Yi (57.13): Yi’s scaling potential and ability to shred through teams make him a powerful late-game pick.
  • Warwick, Volibear, Zac, Shyvana, Diana, Xin Zhao, Nidalee, Nunu, Fiddlesticks, Briar, Morgana, Ivern, Karthus: These champions provide reliable gank potential, objective control, and scaling, making them strong picks for most situations.

S-Tier (57.13 - 62.21)

S-Tier champions dominate the jungle meta with strong gank pressure, mobility, and late-game scaling. These picks excel in the current patch and are frequently seen in competitive and ranked play.

  • Lillia (62.21): Lillia’s mobility and damage-over-time make her an excellent jungler for both clearing and ganking.
  • Nocturne (61.26): Nocturne’s global ultimate and burst potential make him a strong pick for coordinated ganks and team fights.
  • Kayn, Skarner, Shaco, Udyr, Elise, Graves: These champions bring high impact through strong engages, burst potential, and objective control, making them consistent threats throughout the game.
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S+ Tier (62.21 - 100.00)

S+ Tier champions are defining the jungle meta in Patch 14.19. These picks have overwhelming early game pressure, fast clears, and immense carry potential, making them the best choices for dominating the jungle.

  • Viego (93.09): Viego’s ability to take over fights by stealing souls and resetting makes him a terror in the jungle. His scaling and versatility are unmatched.
  • Lee Sin (78.48): Lee Sin’s high skill ceiling allows for flashy plays and game-changing ganks, making him a favorite in both pro and solo queue.
  • Jarvan IV (74.89): Jarvan’s reliable engage and early pressure make him a top-tier pick, providing both tankiness and utility.
  • Kha'Zix (66.11): Kha'Zix’s isolation damage and mobility make him one of the strongest assassins in the jungle.
  • Amumu (64.57): Amumu’s ability to lock down entire teams with his ultimate makes him a powerful pick for team fights and objective control.



In Patch 14.19, the jungle is filled with a mix of high-pressure gankers, scaling threats, and utility-based champions. Whether you prefer the aggressive, high-skill play of champions like Viego and Lee Sin or the reliable crowd control of Jarvan and Amumu, mastering the jungle meta allows you to control the game and lead your team to victory.

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