Where To Get Blue Card In Rust
  • Guides

  • 20:28, 10.12.2024

Where To Get Blue Card In Rust

In the Rust game, a blue card is a key to some great locations and events. Some scientific stations or bunkers can be opened only with a blue card, such as Radiation Monuments.

Following are a few of the key facts about the blue card

Blue Card access above ground often opens the doors in underground bunkers of scientific centers and even in any bunker that is believed to store certain valuable resources, loot, or storage.

Events at radiation monuments

These areas are locked behind closed doors; you can open them by using the card.

Enhancing the experience

With cards, there is an expansion of resource gathering and engaging in special events in a game.

Where to obtain it

  • Buy for scrap: The simplest and fastest way is to buy the blue keycard in the safe zone (Outpost) for 100 scrap through a vending machine.
  • Find using the green keycard: For this, you need a green keycard and an electrical fuse. The blue keycard can be found in locations such as:Small and large harbors: You need to activate the fuse and open the green doors, behind which the blue keycard can be found.Satellite dishes: The card is located in a booth that can be opened with a green keycard.Sewer branch: The blue keycard can also be found here after activating the fuse and opening the green door.
  • Small and large harbors: You need to activate the fuse and open the green doors, behind which the blue keycard can be found.
  • Satellite dishes: The card is located in a booth that can be opened with a green keycard.
  • Sewer branch: The blue keycard can also be found here after activating the fuse and opening the green door.
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Using the blue keycard


The blue keycard can be used to access locations such as water treatment plants, airfields, depots, and other places where you can find the red keycard and military crates with valuable loot. For some of these locations, you will also need a green keycard and several fuses to activate the power supply before opening the doors.

This process is essential for progressing in the game and obtaining more valuable resources.


The blue keycard in Rust is an important element for accessing special locations and events, such as scientific stations and radiation monuments. It allows you to open doors in bunkers and other key areas containing valuable resources and loot. You can buy the blue keycard for scrap or find it using a green keycard and an electrical fuse at various points in the game world. Using this keycard unlocks new opportunities for development and obtaining more powerful resources, making it a key element for progression in Rust.

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