Mistweaver Monk Healer Guide for World of Warcraft
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  • 13:39, 16.05.2024

Mistweaver Monk Healer Guide for World of Warcraft

In World of Warcraft, healers are one of the most important roles needed to complete various PvP and PvE content, including raids, dungeons, various group quests, and simply to diversify the gaming experience. There are a lot of classes that can be specialised as healers, but only a few of them have a strong potential for this, and one of them is Mistweaver Monk.

General view of Mistweaver Monk

Mistweaver Monks are melee healers who can restore the health of their allies and deal damage to their opponents. Thanks to their mobile abilities, heroes of this specialisation can conveniently change location on the battlefield, taking a more favourable position to save themselves, support their allies, or even deal damage to enemies. The hero's ability to use certain abilities on the move is especially useful, which only increases his usefulness in dynamic situations.

The main type of monks' equipment is leather armour, and they are also able to arm themselves with a staff or one-handed weapon while holding an additional item in their other hand. The monk has abilities in reserve that can be used preventively before he takes damage from enemies. But basically, the whole point of a monk is to use healing abilities as a reaction to damage received during combat. Changing the individual elements in the talent tree of this class will help you customise it flexibly enough for your needs and the type of content you have to go through.

Worgen Mistweaver Monk
Worgen Mistweaver Monk

Mistweaver Monk stat priority

The priority characteristic for the Mistweaver Monk is intelligence, as most of our abilities use power that depends on this parameter. The peculiarity of Mistweaver Monk's passive skills is that his spell power is converted into attack power and also receives a small buff to it, for example, Crackling Jade Lightning and Rising Sun Kick, which become stronger.

The next important parameter is speed, which reduces the spell casting time and at the same time the recovery of abilities, such as Rising Sun Kick or Blackout Kick, and therefore increases the healing time and its effectiveness, in particular in Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist and Essence Font. The speed setting on this hero should be close to 30%, preferably.

Critical Strike allows your abilities to deal critical damage, making healing abilities that work through DPS much more effective.

Versatility is one of the simplest stats that increases the damage and healing you deal with and passively halves incoming damage relative to your front stats. For example, a 12% increase in damage and healing results in a 6% reduction in damage.

Character Appearance
Character Appearance
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Mistweaver Monk gear

The best choice of weapon for this class of healer specialisation is the Infinite Dragonspare staff, which can be pumped up to 528 ilvl, giving all the stats necessary for a monk: intelligence, endurance, critical hit, and speed, you can get this item by defeating the Chrono-Lord Deios boss, which is located in the Uldaman dungeon. An alternative item can be the Quake-Detecting Seismostaff, but without critical hits, and instead of speed, it gives you versatility.

Instead of trinkets, you can take Smoldering Seedling and Neltharion's Call to Dominance, which will provide you with additional healing boosts for your allies and class parameters. Or you can take Ominious Chromatic Essence and Rashok's Molten Heart, which increase the secondary stats of the hero, and abilities can restore some mana and provide additional healing.

Since our hero is a healer, he needs a set of equipment that will enhance his healing skills. And our choice falls on items from the Wrappings of the Waking Fist set. The set consists of 5 items, but only four of them will be enough to get the set effect. With two pieces of equipment, the monk will receive an improvement from the Renewing Mist ability, which, thanks to Chi Harmony, increases healing efficiency by 50% for 8 seconds. A set of four items gives an additional 20% of the current healing of allies, which is redistributed among those who need it.

Among the consumable items that enhance the hero, it is worth paying attention to the Phial of Repid Versatility, which increases the hero's versatility parameter for 30 minutes. Since the hero is quite dependent on mana to constantly be able to maintain a high level of health of allies, mana potions will become necessary, in particular Aerated Mana Potion, which restores a lot of this resource. The main attribute can be temporarily raised with the Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power, which will provide you with better performance in battle. And finally, you'll need Buzzing Rune, which increases your critical damage for a long time.


Mistweaver Monk talents tree

Mistweaver Monk raiding

There are two main ways to level up the talent tree for a Mistweaver monk. At first glance, they may seem very different, but they function quite similarly. Both builds are based on the use of Renewing Mist, which restores the health of an allied target for 20 seconds, and then the healing mist is transferred to another target nearby. Increase healing rates with Vivify and Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent.

The first build is based on the Clouded Focus talent, which increases the healing from Enveloping Mists and Vivify by 15% and reduces mana costs by the same amount, all while the hero is casting Soothing Mists; as soon as the spell is interrupted, the effect of the talent disappears. Enhanced healing is also achieved through Renewing Mist and Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, which has a fairly low recovery time. The whole picture is complemented by a bonus from a two-item equipment set that gives an 8-second buff for the Renewing Mist ability, which increases healing by 50%.

The second build is based on the Ancient Teachings talent, which, after using Essence Font or Faeline Stomp. This allows some Mistweaver Monk abilities such as Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, and Rising Sun Kick to heal up to five nearby allies for 150% of the damage dealt. Jadefire Stomp reduces mana consumption, allowing you to use your abilities more often. Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent with Gift of the Celestials talent becomes better by reducing the cooldown by 2 minutes, although at the cost of an additional 12 seconds of healing. The combination of Essence Font and Thunder Focus Tea allows you to deal more damage so that health recovery abilities based on damage to opponents also be increased.

Talent Tree for Raids
Talent Tree for Raids

Mistweaver Monk dungeons

The following build is suitable for completing PvE content with a small number of players in the group and a large number of opponents. As in the previous case, you will need Jadefire Stomp with all the talents possible for this ability, which reduces mana usage. In particular, the talents Ancient Teachings, Essence Font, and the Spinning Crane Kick ability, which allow you to deal more damage and heal yourself and your allies based on it.

In this build, the Gift of the Celestials talent is also usually chosen to reduce the cooldown of Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane and use it more often. During the weekly Tyrannical affix, you can change the talent to Jade Bond, which increases the healing of Invoke Chi-Ji and Invoke Yu'lon by 40%. Additional useful talents are Sheilun's Gift, Veil of Pride, and Legacy of Wisdom, which provide good group healing for all members of your group.

Talent Tree for Dungeons
Talent Tree for Dungeons

Strengths and weaknesses

It is worth noting the strengths of the hero. Even though this is a melee hero, several mechanics will not target this hero, and therefore it will be easier for the monk in some situations when opponents will focus on ranged heroes. Thanks to various talents that can be changed at any time, the monk can be adjusted to different game scenarios, including increased healing or faster reloading thanks to talents that reduce reloading. 

Mobility is one of the key aspects of the hero, allowing him to easily move around the battlefield and heal those in need. The hero's parameters make him quite resilient and able to survive in many dangerous situations, in particular, due to his defensive abilities. Moreover, his usefulness is emphasised by his ability to deal considerable damage to enemies, which makes him not only a good healing class but also a good DPS hero capable of supporting his team in group PvE content.

Nevertheless, there are negative aspects to playing a Mistweaver Monk. Good healing abilities come at a price and therefore require a lot of mana, which means that without a sufficient number of parameters, including intelligence, and consumables, such as mana potions, the monk will have a hard time. Rotating abilities can be easy in the early stages, as it doesn't require a very complicated sequence.

However, over time, the upper limit of skills will increase, which means that you will have to learn how to rotate abilities and combine them to achieve the best healing results. Although mobility helps to change the location of the hero on the battlefield, it is important to know how to maintain your position in battle and how to behave in order not to be exposed to enemy bosses.

Pandaren Mistweaver Monk
Pandaren Mistweaver Monk
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The best races for the class

There is no significant difference in the choice of races for the monk class. However, there are still a few options that are better for the Mistweaver Monk healing role. Blood elves have an additional buff Arcane Acuity, which increases the chance of a critical strike, which is one of the necessary parameters for a monk. Thanks to Arcane Torrent, you will be able to passively remove one of the effects from enemies every two minutes, and you will also receive 3% mana recovery, which is very suitable for a monk, given the consumption of this resource.

Both dwarfs and taurens share passive buffs from Might of the Mountain and Brawn, which increase critical damage and healing by 2%, which is also a nice addition for a monk.

The third option is the gnome race, which has the passive ability Expansive Mind, which increases the total amount of mana by 5%, and in combination with Mana Tea will have a rather nice bonus to mana recovery when using abilities.

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