Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Exit The Necropolis
  • Guides

  • 15:41, 30.12.2024

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Exit The Necropolis

During the mission The Stolen Cat Mummy in the game Indiana Jones And The Great Circle, you will find yourself in the necropolis. The main question before you is how to escape this place? In this article, we will detail all the stages of escaping the necropolis.

Moving in Stealth

First of all, keep in mind that the necropolis is filled with guards. Killing all enemies is practically impossible, so the main focus should be on avoiding unnecessary attention. Use stealth to move discreetly in the given direction.

Finding the Descent to the Water


Start by searching for the descent to the water. It is located to the right of your starting position. Usually, two guards patrol near this place.

  1. Approach them unnoticed.
  2. Eliminate them both from behind.
  3. Descend to the water.
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Crossing the Water


Once you are in the water, swim to the other side. There you will find stairs nearby that lead to the upper level. Climb them to continue moving upwards.

How to Cross the Ruined Bridge?


On the upper level, you will encounter a brightly lit ruined bridge. At first glance, it seems impossible to pass, but there is a solution:

  1. Use the lasso to hook onto the light fixture above the bridge.
  2. Cross the gap by swinging on the lasso.

The Closed Passage and Mechanism for Opening It


Continue moving to the task marker, where you will face a closed passage. To open it, you need to use a mechanism with statues. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Find the statue lying on the ground.
  2. Move it to a specific place near the exit.

This will open a passage for escaping the necropolis.

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Additional Treasure — Ancient Relic


Next to the main mechanism, there is another special place for a statue. If you place it there:

  • Access to a small room will be opened.
  • Inside, you will find an Ancient Relic—a valuable relic.

We recommend collecting the relic first and then returning to the main mechanism to open the exit.



Escaping the necropolis in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle may seem like a daunting task, but by following our guide, you will be able to navigate it without problems. Remember to use stealth, take advantage of the lasso for overcoming obstacles, and don't forget about the additional treasures! Good luck on your adventures!

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