How to Achieve a Scientific Victory in Civilization 7
  • Guides

  • 03:54, 11.03.2025

How to Achieve a Scientific Victory in Civilization 7

A scientific victory in Civilization 7 is a "space race" that must be won before opponents achieve their own victory conditions. This means efficiently navigating the technology tree, constructing key scientific buildings, and ultimately achieving the world's first manned space flight. To accomplish this, it is important to skillfully manage cities, generate a large amount of science per turn, and maintain the stability and prosperity of your civilization throughout the game.

How to Achieve a Scientific Victory in Civilization 7

To achieve a scientific victory, you need to research key technologies, transform your cities into scientific hubs, and complete a series of space projects in the Modern Era. The ultimate goal is to execute the Manned Space Flight project, which instantly brings victory. To do this, you must optimize science and productivity output while maintaining a happy population.


At the start of the game, priority should be given to scientific research and ensuring a steady flow of science. This means quickly constructing libraries, academies, and universities, as well as researching technologies that increase scientific income. The main goal is the stable growth of civilization, keeping the population happy, and outpacing rivals in technological development.

The path to victory begins in the Ancient Era, where the foundation for scientific dominance is laid. The priority in this phase is the research of writing, which unlocks the construction of libraries. Libraries increase science per turn and contain codices—a new game mechanic in Civilization 7 that provides additional bonuses when placed in scientific buildings. By unlocking mathematics, you can build academies that further boost your scientific income.


The transition to the Age of Research shifts the focus to city efficiency. In this phase, specialists—unique workers who significantly increase science output from districts—are crucial. However, their use reduces happiness and food, so it is necessary to balance this by constructing buildings to increase happiness and ensure a stable food supply. The main goal in this era is to increase resource output from land plots, laying the groundwork for the most productive scientific cities.


In the Modern Era, all previous efforts bear fruit. To win, you must complete four major projects: Transatlantic Flight, Breaking the Sound Barrier, Launching a Satellite, and Manned Space Flight. They require large amounts of science and productivity, so cities must be optimized for their rapid completion. Focus on researching astronautics, building a spaceport, and ensuring that your most productive city completes the final project faster than your rivals.

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Achieving Scientific Victory by Eras

Ancient Era: Laying the Scientific Foundation

This period focuses on creating a strong foundation for scientific development. The main tasks are researching writing, constructing a library, and collecting codices. The more codices you place in scientific buildings, the higher your future scientific income will be. It is important to ensure high productivity and food levels, as this will speed up construction and city growth.


Main goals in the Ancient Era:

  • Research Writing and build a Library
  • Unlock and study Mathematics to build Academies
  • Collect and place at least 10 codices in libraries and academies
  • Ensure high productivity and food reserves for future growth

Age of Research: Maximizing Efficiency

This phase focuses on utilizing specialists who can significantly boost scientific income. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully balance city growth, as specialists reduce happiness and food consumption.


Main goals in the Age of Research:

  • Research Education and place at least 4 specialists in scientific buildings
  • Increase yield outside the city center to 20+
  • Continue placing specialists until at least 4 tiles reach 40+ science
  • Maintain a high level of happiness by building cultural and entertainment facilities
  • Expand city infrastructure to support high productivity

Modern Era: Space Race

At this stage, it is necessary to act quickly to secure victory. Scientific victory depends on completing four key projects: Transatlantic Flight, Breaking the Sound Barrier, Launching a Satellite, and Manned Space Flight. To do this, you need to maximize scientific income to research technologies as quickly as possible and ensure high productivity to swiftly complete projects.


Main goals in the Modern Era:

  • Research Aviation and build an Aerodrome to start the Transatlantic Flight project
  • Research Aerodynamics and complete the Breaking the Sound Barrier project
  • Research Astronautics, build a Spaceport, and complete the Launching a Satellite project
  • Start and complete the Manned Space Flight project to secure victory

A scientific victory in Civilization 7 requires skillful resource management, strategic city placement, and effective use of specialists. By properly developing scientific infrastructure and city productivity, you can ensure technological dominance and win the space race ahead of your competitors.

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