Arkveld Complete Fight Guide in Monster Hunter Wilds
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  • 14:12, 11.03.2025

Arkveld Complete Fight Guide in Monster Hunter Wilds

Arkveld, or the White Phantom, is one of the strongest monsters to hunt in Monster Hunter Wilds. His attack set and weaknesses require strategy, preparation, and experience on the part of the hunter. Here, we will analyze his weak point, his attacks, and the best strategy and equipment to use in order to hunt him.

Arkveld's Weak Points

Arkveld has several weak spots that you must aim for when you attack

Chain Blades on the Wings: This is his largest weak point. The blades can be attacked physically, and it is possible to do much damage by hitting them. Breaking the blades will hamper his movement and weaken the effects of certain attacks.

Head: More head damage is taken by Arkveld, and his head can be broken as well, reducing his ranged attack accuracy. His powerful energy attacks can also be slowed by an effective head hit.

His tail may be cut off, which greatly reduces the number of attacks based on his tail and constrains his range. This opens more openings to attack him with less chance to get hit from behind.

Body and Legs: While attacks to the body of Arkveld do not deal as much damage as attacks to his head or blades, they are vulnerable to element attacks, particularly dragon element attacks.


Arkveld’s Attacks

Arkveld has an assortment of attacks the hunter must become accustomed to in order to evade or retaliate:

When Arkveld drops his shoulders and starts running directly towards the hunter, it is a warning to prepare yourself to dodge. This is a quick but telegraphed attack, so timely dodging or blocking will protect you from taking significant damage.

Arkveld is able to use his wing blades to unleash rapid, powerful attacks with great range. Dodge in time to evade his powerful attacks, and quickly strike back as soon as he opens himself to attack.

As Arkveld jumps into the air and lands on the ground, he releases an impact zone with a burst of explosive energy. Step back immediately from the point of impact to avoid extensive damage.

Tail Swipe, this attack is not safe to stand behind. His tail comes around with large range and force, so it is best to stand somewhere besides behind him. Cutting his tail will deprive him of his ability to use this attack.

Final attacks with Dragon Plague, as he sets these attacks, Arkveld emits red bursts of energy, signaling an immediate need to retreat. One of the most lethal effects in the game is the Dragon Plague, which weakens your equipment and continuously deals damage.

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Equipment and Preparation Recommendations

In order to stand a better chance to defeat Arkveld, you should prepare yourself properly and have the necessary equipment:

Since Arkveld is particularly vulnerable to the dragon element, it is advisable to use dragon damage weapons. This will help you to make full use of his weaknesses and greatly enhance the efficacy of your attacks.

For ranged weapon users, it is worth stocking up on dragon-element ammunition, such as Dragon Pods and Dragon Ammo. This will provide you with extra damage and allow you to carry out ranged attacks when you cannot get close to Arkveld.

Ensure to carry Nullberries to get rid of the effect of the Dragon Plague. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a position where your attacks will not work, and your defensive strength is significantly lowered.

Traps can also stun Arkveld, giving you excellent opportunities to hit his weak spots. Flash Pods can also deflect his quick attacks, giving you time to reload or heal.

Battle Strategies

Target his body parts, head, and blades as discussed. This will shatter his body parts faster, reducing his attack potential and allowing more chances to deal critical damage.

Be sure to keep an eye on Arkveld’s movements, as his attacks are fairly predictable. Timely blocking and constant dodging will protect you from taking significant damage.

Notice where the hunt takes place. Some have traps or natural obstacles that you can capitalize on. Consider, for example, luring Arkveld into a zone where there are rocks that drop or there are radiant beasts, so you can deal more damage.


Team Structure and Strategy

For multiplayer fights against Arkveld, an effective working team can be a real game-changer:

Role Assignment: With an evenly distributed party that includes a tank to soak aggro, a ranged attacker to take advantage of openings, and a support member Hunter's Horn user to provide buffs and healing, efficiency and survivability can be maximized.

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Rewards for Defeating Arkveld

Defeating Arkveld will not only cement your reputation as a hunter but also reward you with valuable materials that are employed to craft and reinforce your equipment:


Arkveld Scale+

Arkveld Armor

White Pelted Arkv

Arkveld Horn

Arkveld Tail

Arkveld Gem 

You can use these materials to make special items that will significantly enhance your stats in the course of future battles with other monsters. 


Defeating Arkveld is not an easy task, and it requires preparation, understanding his attacks, and strategy. Adhering to the suggested equipment, hitting his weak points, and implementing dodge and counterattack techniques will assist you in beating this strong enemy and getting wonderful rewards.

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