Thor, the God of Thunder, is one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe, and to no suprise, he features heavily in Marvel Rivals. While Thor can ascend to the skies in the movies, he is more of a close-range bully, who can soak up a lot of pressure while dealing a lot of damage. But what about if you want to counter Thor with another hero in Marvel Rivals? Let's take a look.
Thor's ability to consider

- Left click: Mjolnir Bash: Thor wields Mjolnir to strike at his enemies. When awakened, Thor can launch lightning arc waves to deal damage.
- Q: God of Thunder: Soar upwards and smite the ground after charging for a duration. This ability inflicts damage to enemies within the ability range.
- Shift: Storm Surge: Hold to spin Mjolnir before dashing forward, knocking enemies back in the process.
- E: Lightning Realm: Summon lightning that restores Thorforce based on the number of enemies hit.
- F: Awakening Rune: Consume Thorforce to enter the Awakened state. This grants bonus health while also enhancing Mjolnir Bash.
- Passive: Thorforce: Consume Thorforce to gain bonus health. Landing Mjolnir Bash on an enemy instantly recharges his passive.
Use a duelist to counter Thor

Using a Duelist is probably the best way to counter the God of Thunder. The task as the duelist is to whittle him down as quickly as possible before he regenerates his health back to full, whereas you will be in lower health, making life very difficult. You won't be able to do it alone, you're going to need a support hero who can back you up in the fight, which will mean a swift kill on Thor.
If you're looking for a hero that can match Thor in terms of health regeneration, then our recommendation would be to go with Wolverine. He is the perfect hero for facing Thor, as Wolverine will gain more damage based on the health Thor has. And since he will be regenerating his health, you're always going to come out on top in that fight. Wolverine also has the ability to isolate Thor, taking him away from his supportive cast and into an isolated one-versus-one battle, in which Wolverine will come out on top.

To truly counter Thor in Marvel Rivals, you're going to need a gap closer, one that can get close to him. Despite close-range combat being Thor's strongest suit, Wolverine is best when he is able to close the gap on enemies, isolate them, and destroy them. Thor is reliant on regenerating health, which is why a Duelist is your best bet for keeping him at low health. For Wolverine specifically, he also regenerates health, making him a great counter for Thor.