In Civilization 7, factories play a significant role in the modern era, altering the way production and resources are managed. When this era begins, factory resources replace many city and bonus resources that were previously necessary. In this guide, we will explain the process of building factories and using factory resources to develop your civilization.

Unlocking Factories in Civilization 7
At the start of the modern era, factories will not be immediately available. Players first need to unlock the Mass Production Technology. To do this, it is necessary to research Military Science and one of two technologies: Industrialization or Combustion. Once Mass Production is unlocked, factories can be built.
Before building factories, settlements must be connected to the capital by a railway network. This requires the construction of a Railway Station, which upgrades roads to railways. A well-developed railway infrastructure is essential, as factories can only be built in settlements that have an active connection to the capital.

Building a Factory
Once the necessary technologies are unlocked and the railway network is created, players can start building factories in the appropriate settlements. A factory provides a significant production bonus, as well as additional bonuses to science and culture. It is recommended to first build a factory in the capital to lay a strong foundation for further expansion.
Factories do not require a specific location, but it may sometimes be necessary to replace existing tiles to make space. Since factory resources become a vital part of the economy in the modern era, it is important to anticipate enough space for a factory in each settlement.

Using Factory Resources
After building a factory, players can begin using factory resources to further improve settlements. However, just having a factory is not enough—the settlement must also be connected to the capital by railway. The Railway Station becomes available at the beginning of the modern era and is necessary for creating this connection.

Once a settlement is connected to the capital and has a functioning factory, players can allocate factory resources through the resource management menu. Each settlement can be assigned one factory resource, which provides various bonuses to production and the economy. To do this, select the factory resource and assign it to a specific settlement through the appropriate interface.
Additional factory resources can be obtained by building factories in other settlements, allowing for economic diversification. Although each settlement can only use one factory resource at a time, you can place multiple copies of the same resource in one settlement to increase bonuses.

Expanding the Railway Network for Factory Development
Since factories depend on railway infrastructure, its expansion is as important as the construction of the factories themselves. New settlements should be connected to the main railway system as soon as possible so they can use factory resources. A well-planned railway network not only enhances production in factories but also allows for faster troop movements across the empire.

Maximizing Factory Efficiency
To get the most benefit from factories, players should follow several key strategies:
- Research Mass Production as soon as possible in the modern era to gain access to factories.
- Develop a strong railway network so all settlements are connected and can use factory resources.
- Build factories in cities with high production potential for maximum effect.
- Regularly manage resource allocation in the resource management menu to ensure factory resources are used most effectively.
By following these recommendations, players can optimize their industrial production, making their civilization more powerful and resilient. Factories play an important role in the late game, allowing for faster troop production, increased profits, and improved civilization infrastructure.

Can Factories Be Built in Remote Settlements or on Islands in Civ 7?
Yes, you can build factories in remote settlements or on islands (i.e., distant locations separated by water). However, there is a nuance. Since you cannot lay a railway across water, you need to build a port in both the capital and the remote settlement, which will serve as the connection between railway stations. This will allow you to build factories and use factory resources on islands and in remote settlements.