How to kill every zombie in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
How to kill every zombie in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Zombies has been a stable mode in Call of Duty for many years, and the mode in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is no different. Zombies in Black Ops 6 has recieved a lot of praise from the community as Treyarch continues to expand on the classic round-based survival mode from years past. This year, there are two missions for Zombie players to tackle, Liberty Falls, and Terminus. Along with that comes a bunch of Zombie types, each with their own varying difficulty.

Stay tuned to this quick guide on how to kill every Zombie type in Call of Duty Black Ops 6

Every Zombie type in Black Ops 6

Image via Steam<br>
Image via Steam


This is your standard enemy that you have come to know from every other Call of Duty title. At the start of the game, they are not hard to kill, but as the rounds go on, their stats increase, meaning you'll need to upgrade your weapons in order to maintain the damage. Their weakness is headshots, so try to preserve ammo early and go for the head.

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Armored Zombie

There isn't too much of a difference between the normal Zombie and the Armored Zombie. Both have relatively quick time to kill and this enemy will even drop you armor plates after killing them which comes in handy when you don't have enough salvage to craft armor plates. Again they have a problem against headshots, so make sure to aim for their helmet and you'll be fine.


Although the Vermin have really low health, they are sometimes difficult to kill and you'll often find yourselves wasting more ammo than necessary. Like with the previous two zombie types, you need to go for the head if you're looking to preserve your ammo. They have really low health as mentioned above, but their quick nature can sometimes cause you problems.

Heavy Zombie

This type of Zombie is where you're going to need a strong weapon if you want to deal with the Heavy Zombies with ease. They are fully kitted out in armor, so like in Warzone, you're going to need to do a lot of damage to the body and or head to take them down. FMJ is good for chunking through armor, so be sure you have your weapon kitted out with mods that will pierce through this zombie.

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Parasites are on the Terminus map only, so for Liberty Falls players, consider yourself lucky you only have to deal with the Vermin and not these flying pests. Not only can they fly, but they inflict damage on you from range. We recommend the Cryo Freeze Mod, this will save you in the higher rounds because it moves between Parasites which will make them easier to kill. They also, like the Vermin, have low health bars.


This is where the fun begins, well not really, this is where you will get your first taste of an elite zombie. Manglers are tanky, have long range, and are very fast, so try not to be too close and personal with these things. You do, however, get rewarded for killing one, as they drop locker keys that can be used in the armory. Be sure to focus the superior arm that fires a critical strike, along with the head as you will do more damage to them. Be sure to stock up on ammo too, you're going to need it.


A Terminus only elite, the Amalgam is one of the hardest-hitting enemies that can pull you in from a long distance, so don't even bother trying to outrun it, because it will catch up to you. It's got speed, insane damage, and gap-closing abilities, so it's practically unkillable, right? Wrong. For this zombie, you're going to need a Ray Gun, as it will pierce through the thick skin this zombie has. It doesn't have an insane amount of health, so a Ray Gun should do the trick, but make sure you're not directly on top of it as the explosion will do damage to you.

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Just the name Ambomination alone is enough for players to not even want to play the game. This zombie is tanky, deals a lot of damage, and will likely cause you to break your controller. But don't worry, there is a way to take down this beast. To give yourself the best shot at killing the Abomination, aim for its heads, specifically the one that glows. Once that is down, you can start going to town on it.

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