FragPunk is a dynamic tactical hero shooter where precise aiming is crucial for victory. Like many modern shooters, FragPunk offers a robust crosshair customization system that allows players to tailor it to their play style. If you're unsure how to optimize your crosshair or just want to import a professional setup, this guide will help you navigate through it all.
How to Import Crosshair Codes in FragPunk
The FragPunk settings menu contains numerous options, which can make navigation and understanding how everything works a bit challenging. However, the process of importing a crosshair code is straightforward if you know where to look (hint: in this article).
1. Open the settings menu.
2. Scroll down to the "Crosshair" section and find the "Import Crosshair Code" button.

3. Click on it, paste the desired code into the text field, and confirm your selection.

If the code is entered correctly, the crosshair will immediately change to the new settings. You can also apply a custom crosshair solely for hip-fire or for both hip-fire and aiming down sights (ADS), allowing for even more precise adaptation to your gameplay.
Best Crosshair Codes for Different Play Styles
Since FragPunk supports various combat styles, the ideal crosshair depends on your favorite weapon and play style. Below are the best crosshair codes that will enhance your accuracy and visibility during shooting.
T-Shaped Crosshair
If you need a highly accurate and minimalist crosshair, this option is perfect. The T-shaped design aids in head aiming while keeping the center of the screen clear.
Code: bzbzeibzahzahzaezaezabzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabz2FB6C9zFFFFFF

Classic Dot
A simple yet effective red dot crosshair, ideal for sniper rifles, marksmen, and pistols. Perfect for players who make small, precise aiming adjustments.
Code: czbzeibzahzahzacbzacbzazbzffzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0000zFFFFFF

Classic Cross
This crosshair features a central dot with thin auxiliary lines for stable accuracy. A great choice for those who play in a balanced way, combining tracking and flick shots.
Code: azbzahbzaabzaabzaezaezddzbzjjzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF0000zFFFFFF

Compact Square Crosshair
This crosshair forms a small square, providing a clear aiming point while maintaining good visibility for tracking enemies. Ideal for aggressive play with quick reactions.
Code: azazazaczaczacbzacbzaczbzbabzaaabzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzE6E6E6zFFFFFF

X-Shaped Crosshair
If you’re looking for a non-standard crosshair look without sacrificing effectiveness, this option is for you. It’s well-suited for medium to long-range battles.
Code: azazazaezaezaezaezaczbzcdbzaaabzfcbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFF00FFzFFFFFF

Best Crosshair for Different Weapon Types
Weapon choice also affects optimal crosshair settings. Below are the best crosshair codes for each weapon type in FragPunk.
Weapon Type | Description | Code |
Assault Rifles, SMGs, and LMGs | Automatic weapons require a central dot with auxiliary lines to help control recoil and fire at moving targets. | azczadfzabbzabbzagzagzhbbzbzajbzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF |
Shotguns | Since shotguns have a spread, a round crosshair represents the hit zone, aiding in hitting even without perfect aiming. | czczadfzafzafzaabzaabzfidzbzajbzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF |
Sniper Rifles, Marksmen, and Pistols | For pinpoint shooting with minimal obstruction, a clean dot is ideal. This is a great option for players aiming for the head or quickly reacting to opponents. | czczabgzacbzacbzaaczaaczazbzajbzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF |
Additional Tips for Crosshair Customization
After importing a crosshair code, you can further customize it for maximum efficiency. Here are some important settings:
- Crosshair Movement: Set to "Static" to avoid unnecessary visual effects during shooting and movement.
- Aiming Down Sights (ADS): If the standard optics in FragPunk seem uncomfortable, enable a custom crosshair for ADS.
- Bloom: Disabling Bloom removes unnecessary visual noise, leaving a clear field of view.
The right crosshair in FragPunk significantly impacts your accuracy, control, and overall comfort in the game.