World of Warcraft has a lot of different activities that keep any fan of the game entertained. One of the most popular activities is participating in PvP: individual, team, ranked, and regular. Participation in PvP allows players to test their character and equipment using various ability and talent builds, demonstrating all their strength, power, and skills to the fullest to show their full potential that the player has acquired throughout the game. So the question arises as to which character class is the best for PvP in World of Warcraft in 2024.
Metrics for a good PvP class
To determine the best class for PvP in World of Warcraft, you can start by looking at the relevant ranking tables. Ranking tables are based on the percentage of duel victories of a particular class to the total sample of all PvP battles played. Most often, meta heroes win, i.e., those that have been buffed in the current patch or at least not nerfed in the previous one, and this is why it remains popular among players. The main features that affect the victory of a particular class in PvP are a set of abilities and talents that, in the right combinations and with a consistent rotation of skill. They are capable of delivering high DPS, have good survivability, escape or initiation abilities, etc.
Also, the fate of victories for a particular class depends on the personal skills of the players. After all, even if you have quite strong equipment on your character, it is not a fact that you will be able to realize the character well. There are a lot of nuances to be aware of, such as: pressing the right buttons on time; following the correct rotation of abilities; understanding how the enemy class works; knowing its strengths and weaknesses, etc. When playing PvP in team mode, you will also need the ability to play in pairs with others: what combinations of abilities will be better, the distribution of roles, etc.
You should also remember that if a hero class is ranked several positions lower than some others, it does not mean that this hero is bad or that its specialization is not suitable for PvP. It is impossible to win with it. Likewise, there is no such thing as the best class for PvP.
World of Warcraft developers are constantly changing certain parameters and nuances of characters, equipment, and abilities, which leads to a change in the current goal. The same class can be advantageous in one patch and not in another. Some become stronger or more balanced, and some are made weaker. In addition, some classes can win, but are ranked lower than others because the class may be too difficult to implement for most players. However, in the right hands, this character can be an imba that can win most PvP fights. So here are some WoW PvP class recommendations for Dragonflight.

WoW PvP class recommendations:

Demon Hunter
One of the most popular classes with a high victory rate in the current patch is the Havoc specialization Demon Hunter. This melee class is easy to learn and has good mobility, allowing you to take an advantageous position in combat. In addition, its main advantage is the dynamic rotation of abilities, which will not make you stand idle during the battle. Even at times when the character's offensive abilities are in a cooldown, Demon Hunter has defensive and mobile abilities in reserve to wait out the enemy's attack in battle. The average damage of this class is one of the highest among other classes.
For PvP duels, the priority of the main characteristics is slightly different from the PvE build. The main ones for a demon hunter will be Versatility, Mastery, Haste, and Critical Strike. It is impossible to choose a universal playstyle, as it all depends on the enemy you have to fight, as well as on the ally when it comes to team PvP. Thanks to its mobility and high DPS, Havoc can easily stick to enemies to deal as much damage as possible, or, conversely, move away from them if the situation is dangerous.
Despite his good abilities and defense, Demon Hunter is vulnerable to physical damage, and he has no abilities to defend himself while stunned, making it easier for opponents to kill him in this state. Burst abilities can be easily interrupted while they are being performed, which leads to negative scenarios.

The best choice for this class is to select the Fury Warrior specialization. Characters of this class can decide on an aggressive playstyle aimed at destroying the opponent with their strong abilities. They have many skills that work well against the same target. And thanks to Slaughterhouse, which is one of the warrior's strongest abilities, he can deal a lot of damage in PvP. With the talent changes in the current patch, heroes of this specialization can use Double Time, Impending Victory, and Storm Bolt at the same time.
Strengths during the game will be: good damage, in particular thanks to Recklessness; fast recharge of Burst abilities, as well as good survivability and health recovery, thanks to which the warrior can do without additional help from healers in team PvP, which means he can also prove himself in solo mode. Enraged Regeneration can be used in a state of stun, which prevents enemies from killing you during the duration of the effect.
However, it is not without its drawbacks. It's very difficult for a warrior to deal with ranged heroes, especially if they have a lot of slow abilities. The selection of PvP talents is not as good as that of other classes. There are no abilities to quickly close the distance to enemies, and it is also vulnerable to enemy crowd control abilities.
Druids who have chosen the Restoration specialization are great for both PvE content (dungeons, raids, etc.) and PvP. Heroes of this class have exceptional mobility, especially thanks to Travel Form, which helps them move quickly on the battlefield, taking the most advantageous position in a duel, and also allowing them to dodge most enemy attacks. Thanks to the Entangling Roots, Cyclone, and Mighty Bash abilities, the druid can determine the course of the battle, as they provide powerful control and defense.
Don't forget about recovery abilities such as Barkskin and Ironbark, which increase the survivability of this class and allow you to survive enemy attacks. In addition to mobility and the ability to survive in combat, Prowl is useful, making the druid invisible on the battlefield. This allows the player to move to a more favorable location, launch a surprise attack against the enemy, or wait out a threat.
The versatility of the heroes of this class is a highlight in choosing a game strategy. After all, a druid can be both a tank and a very strong DPS, which allows you to switch roles on the fly, depending on your needs and situation. The class is very dependent on the correct play with timing and cooldowns on abilities. If you use your abilities at the wrong time, it can cost you a duel victory. He is best not only in 3x3 duel modes but also one of the best PvP classes in Dragonflight.

Beast Mastery Hunter
A unique class that, thanks to its abilities, will not be alone even in one-on-one PvP, because the main strength of Beast Mastery is its menagerie, which helps to fight other players. This class stands out for its ability to deal a significant amount of damage on the move and has a set of abilities that will help control the battlefield.
Thanks to its pets, BM can strain opponents and keep them on their toes, even when they are kiting you. Animals become a major problem for ranged heroes, especially mages who cannot cast normal magic and have a hard time. Disengage and Aspect of the Cheetah will provide you with mobility, making you a slippery target for enemies. Tar Trap, Freezing Trap, and Intimidation provide strong crowd control, which will be an advantage in team PvP.
And, of course, survivability is also important. The right choice of talents will make you more enduring and resilient on the battlefield, allowing you to draw attention to yourself while the beasts attack your opponents. Your main task is to monitor the health of the animals and maintain them. Also, keep your distance from melee enemies and constantly kite. Your control abilities must be successfully used to take the enemy out of the fight to attack them with all your might, or to save an ally. That makes him one of the best solo PvP class in WoW.
Death Knights
The Unholy Death Knights specialization is a good choice for PvP due to the many sources of damage it can deal in battle. Ranging from a set of interesting skill sets to the ability to summon minions to help fight other players. Death Knights are resistant to magic damage in PvP thanks to a set of tools that heal you and keep you alive. You should use disease abilities on as many enemies as possible. For this purpose, you have Outbreak, Virulent Plague, and Pestilence.
As with Beast Mastery, you have some creatures under your control that will deal the bulk of the damage in battle, and prevent opponents from attacking and kiting you freely. Chains of Ice will be your main crowd control ability to pull enemies out of their positions and interrupt spells. Asphyxiate will provide a powerful stun to the enemy, making them an easy target for your minions.
In team PvP, your primary target should be the most vulnerable or key character, such as healers or characters with low survivability. The Death Knight is vulnerable to disarming effects, as the main healing ability requires a Death Strike in melee. He is very dependent on abilities with long cooldowns and is not able to put significant pressure on the opponent.

These characters currently have some of the best PvP win rates due to their abilities and talents. However, you can find many other classes and their specializations that you will enjoy and help you win duels.