Kelvin is a beginner-friendly hero who can easily adapt to various playstyles. You can become a frontliner soaking up damage, a support with tons of heal or a splitpusher, pressuring whole map. Kellvin can handle all of these tasks. His versatility allows you to shift tactics effectively during the game, depending on the approach you want to take on the battlefield.
In this guide for Kelvin, we will cover the following aspects:
- Strengths and weaknesses of the hero
- Current build and ability upgrades
- Best synergies
Guide based on patch 29/09/2024

How to Play Kelvin
To play Kelvin effectively in Deadlock, take advantage of his versatility to adapt to different roles on the battlefield:tanky frontliner, supportive healer, splitpusher. As a tank character, you have to focus on building defensive stats like health, armor, or resistance to absorb enemy damage. Engage in team fights by positioning yourself at the front, soaking up hits for your teammates while disrupting enemies with crowd control if available. Your goal is to initiate fights or protect vulnerable allies by drawing enemy fire and creating space for your team to deal damage. If you're playing as a healer, prioritize healing abilities and items that enhance your ability to sustain your team. Position yourself at a safe distance during fights to avoid being targeted while keeping allies within your healing range. You can also provide utility through buffs, shields, or crowd control, making sure to support key damage-dealing teammates and keeping the team alive during critical moments.For a splitpushing role, focus on maximizing your mobility and wave-clearing abilities to quickly push lanes. Apply pressure across the map by pushing solo, forcing the enemy to react, and creating opportunities for your team in other areas. But this role is really bad in higher MMR. Many players prefer to play Kelvin as healer.
- Hard to kill
- Highly mobility.
- Great almost against every character
- Can get poked from afar due to operating at close-mid range
- Slow rate of fire compared to other primary guns
- Items for healing reduction
Kelvins’s Abilities

Stats without upgrades:
Attribute | Value |
Charges | 1 |
Cooldown Between Charges | 7s |
Cooldown | 22s |
Radius | 6.5m |
Damage | 80 |
Movement Slow | 40% |
Upgrade | Effect |
1 AP | +1 Charges |
2 AP | Frost Grenade now heals 145 HP to friendly targets. Scales with Spirit. |
5 AP | +175 Damage |

Stats without upgrades:
Attribute | Value |
Duration | 18s |
Cooldown | 38s |
Move Speed | +2m/s |
Sprint Speed | +2m/s |
Upgrade | Effect |
1 AP | +4m/s Sprint Speed |
2 AP | -16s Cooldown |
5 AP | While active, gain +1 Spirit Power per meter of Ice Path trail created. Max of 55 Spirit Power |

Stats without upgrades:
Attribute | Value |
Channel Time | 5s |
Beam Length | 25m |
Cooldown | 24s |
DPS | 60 |
Max Flow | 50% |
Max Fire Rate Slow | 40% |
Slow Linger | 2s |
Upgrade | Effect |
1 AP | 8s Cooldown |
2 AP | +40 DPS |
5 AP | Fires 2 additional Arctic Beams toward enemies within 13m of the last target hit |

Stats without upgrades:
Attribute | Value |
Radius | 10m |
Duration | 5.5s |
Cooldown | 127s |
Health Regen | +120 |
Movement Slow | 35% |
Upgrade | Effect |
1 AP | +40% Fire Rate Slow |
2 AP | -40s Cooldown |
5 AP | +70 Health Regen and now scales with Spirit Power |

Build and Ability Progression
Early game:
- Extra Regen
- Extra Charge
- Extra Spirit
- Mystic Burst
- Mystic Shot
- Healing Booster
- Healing Rite
- Improved Cooldown
- Warp Stone
- Alchemical Fire
- Hunter's Aura
- Improved Burst
- Lifestrike
- Superior Stamina
- Improved Bullet Armor
- Improved Spirit Armor
Late game:
- Torment Pulse
- Superior Cooldown
- Phantom Strike
- Warp Stone
- Mystic Reverb
- Boundless Spirit
This is the optimal build, but you can adjust it depending on the situation at any time.
Ability Upgrade Priority
1. Frozen Shelter
2. Frost Grenade:
3. Ice Path
4. Arctic Beam

Best Synergies and Counters
Best Synergies for Kellvin:
Kelvin + Haze | 55.1% win rate |
Kelvin + Warden | 54% win rate |
Kelvin + Lady Geist | 53.9% win rate |
Kelvin feels great in duo with carries in his team. You have utility abilities, so you make your teammates much stronger.
- Lady Geist
Kelvin is a great counter against a big part of deadlock character's roster. But Lady Geist deals damage with her abilities, so his attack rate slow doesn't work. Purchase FleetFoot(reducing slow) and Healbane(reducing heal) . This items are the best against him.

Example of a Game on Kellvin
By watching this video, you will better understand how the hero works and gain useful tips. You will also see how to move around the map and position yourself for a more comfortable game

Kellvin from Deadlock is a skilled and formidable character, known for his tactical mind and adaptability in combat situations. He thrives in chaotic environments, using both strategy and aggression to outmaneuver his enemies. His key strength lies in his ability to make swift, decisive moves, which can turn the tide of battle in his favor. However, Kellvin's reliance on calculated aggression can also make him vulnerable to unexpected setbacks or more flexible opponents who can outlast his bursts of intensity. Overall, Kellvin is a complex character whose success depends on careful planning and sharp execution in tense situations