Serena is leaving NASR Ignite in search of a new team for the 2024 season

Serena is leaving NASR Ignite in search of a new team for the 2024 season

The official Twitter account of NASR Esports organization has announced changes to the women's roster. The team bid farewell to Serena "Serena" Ribe and thanked her for a short but fruitful collaboration.

The athlete began her professional journey at the end of 2021 with the Vanished team, but after a setback in the VCT 2021: Game Changers qualifiers, she left the roster. This year, she changed teams three times: FOKUS Sakura, KPI Shine, and NASR Ignite. Apparently, the frequent roster changes are often due to the absence of achievements and trophies.


Despite the short collaboration with NASR Ignite, the organization expressed satisfaction with her performance, as shared in their farewell post.

Farewell, Serena. Parting ways with such a talented individual like Serena is never easy. We are grateful for our shared achievements. Wishing you success in your future endeavors, and NASR will always be with you.

Serena "Serena" Ribe is not ending her esports career and has announced her readiness to join a new team in the 2024 season, providing all necessary details on her social media pages.

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