Iso will be nerfed with the release of the new patch 9.0

Iso will be nerfed with the release of the new patch 9.0

On June 21, Valorant game designer known as Penguin announced the upcoming nerf of agent Iso in patch 9.0, which will be released on June 26.

Penguin noted that despite the significant buff to Iso in patch 8.11, which was released on June 11, the changes in the next patch are aimed at balancing the agent. Patch 8.11 introduced a reset on double tap, which will now be removed, and the duration will be reduced from 20 to 12 seconds. Additionally, in patch 8.11, the double tap gained the ability to create a shield that blocks damage once, with the number of charges reduced from two to one, but a reset on kill was added.

Patch 9.0 will bring the following changes to Iso:

  • Removal of the reset on double tap.
  • Reduction of the double tap duration from 20 to 12 seconds.

These changes mean that Iso will only be able to activate double tap once, and the reduced duration will give opponents a chance to avoid encountering the agent.

Previously on social media, where both the gaming community and professional players are active, there have been frequent complaints about the excessive strength of agent Iso. The developers have taken these opinions into account and plan to nerf the agent in a few days with the release of patch 9.0.

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