How to get Victorious skins in League of Legends
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  • 13:19, 17.12.2024

How to get Victorious skins in League of Legends


Victorious Skins are the limited-time rewards that players can get in League of Legends upon clearing a certain rank at the end of the season. Because of the dual meaning of achievement value, they outshine the ones purchased by regular means. Now, let's look into further detail in this article about how it is possible to get the mentioned exclusive skins and why the desire to obtain them overflows in every player of this game.

Why Victorious Skins are Important?

Victorious Skins are among the most highly regarded rewards in League of Legends. They are handed out only to players who manage to achieve a certain rank in ranked games; thus, proof of real skill and dedication is at hand. Many of them have extra goodies included with the skin, like icons, banners, or color variants depending on which rank above Gold was reached.

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How to Get Victorious Skins?

Requirements and CriteriaThe following are the conditions necessary to earn a Victorious Skin:

Reach "Gold" rank higher
The player needs to end the season in "Gold" rank or higher in "Summoner's Rift Ranked Solo/Duo" or "Flex" mode.
No active bans or restrictions
The player's account must not have active bans or restrictions in force at the time of receiving the reward
Minimum Honor Level 3
Players must attain the minimum level of Honor level 3.

Additional Rewards

Besides the main Victorious Skin, the following rewards are given to the players:

Profile icons
A new icon to represent your achievement.
Profile banners
A special banner to highlight the player's rank.
Chromas for the skin
Alternative color schemes for Victorious Skins, depending on rank achieved above Gold


Official splash arts and screenshots of Victorious Skins are always impressive. With every skin, Riot provides artwork underlining the player's achievement. What is more, for higher ranks like "Platinum", "Diamond", and above, there are additional chromas—meaning alternative color schemes for Victorious Skins.

Comparison with Other Seasonal Skins

Victorious Skins evolve with each coming season. Below are those from several years to show how these skins have developed:

Season 1
Jarvan IV
The very first Victorious Skin, this champion was one of the more popular picks in early meta.
Season 2
"Wind of Victory!" Due to the high popularity among players in a support position, Janna received Victorious Skin.
Season 11
One of the coolest skins, receiving pretty good responses from players.
Jarvan IV, Victorious Skin
Jarvan IV, Victorious Skin
Janna, Victorious Skin
Janna, Victorious Skin
Blitzcrank, Victorious Skin
Blitzcrank, Victorious Skin

General Information

Victorious Skin HistoryThe Victorious skin line started its journey back in the first-ever season of League of Legends when Victorious Jarvan IV was released. Since then, every year a new skin for a given champion has been released by Riot, who had a defining impact on the game's meta that year. Every one of them has exclusive status and never hits the in-game store directly, which further accentuates their meaning.

Iconic Victorious Skins

Victorious Jarvan IV (2012): The first skin in the series and has become a favorite just because it looks so elegant and expensive.


Victorious Morgana (2018): This skin is one of the top favorites due to its awesome looks and animations.


Victorious Graves (2020): A skin that received many positive reviews for its stylish concept and details.

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What is Victorious Skin?

Victorious Skins are rewards given at the end of each season to players who achieve the rank "Gold" or above; they signify a very high level of gameplay, time, and effort that has been put into ranked matches.

Which Champion Will Get the Victorious Skin in the Third Split?

The latest data states that Master Yi will be the champion receiving the Victorious Skin during the third split. That said, he was an extremely strong champion and highly impacted the meta of the game for the whole season and should be a well-deserved reward.


How Many SP Does It Take to Get a Victorious Skin?

To get a Victorious Skin, one needs to gain some amount of points (SP) that are given for every ranked match played. Usually, 2500-3000 SP by the end of the season is enough to get the skin.

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Can Victorious Skins Be Repurchased?The most frequently asked question in the community is if the old Victorious Skins will ever be available for purchase. Riot has stated that they do not plan to re-release these skins for purchase, as they are exclusive rewards symbolizing the achievements of a particular season.


Victorious Skins are not just a beautiful visual effect but a real symbol of the player's dedication, skills, and achievements in this game. If you can get one such skin, it's going to be an amazing goal for your League of Legends career.

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