15:55, 11.09.2024

Ontem foi lançada a tão esperada atualização para o patch 9.05! Os jogadores podem esperar mudanças em vários agentes, regras de conduta actualizadas, melhorias para as consolas e correcções de erros. Foram feitas alterações importantes ao Astra, que agora tem 5 estrelas, e o alcance da habilidade Chamber's Rendezvous foi aumentado para 18 metros. O mapa Breeze também foi atualizado e está agora disponível nos modos Unranked e Quick Play nas consolas.
Também foram feitas alterações nas armas: Ares tornou-se mais preciso quando dispara sentado e o seu dano na cabeça foi aumentado. Os erros nos mapas foram corrigidos e o desempenho no PC foi melhorado.

Todas as plataformas
Desculpas dos agentes
- We've updated Omen's voice lines and added new dialogue for Viper, Clove, Iso, and Vyse.
- Rendezvous: Teleportation radius increased from 13 to 18 meters. Chamber needed some minor adjustments to allow it to compete for map space relatively safely while remaining close to the Rendezvous anchor. The reach of the Rendezvous anchor has been increased, meaning it will be possible to vary tactics more freely, apply more aggressive pressure and take unexpected positions.
- The number of stars has been increased from 4 to 5. After some of Astra's power transferred from Gravity Well to Supernova Explosion and Dimensional Rift in patch 7.04, Astra found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the specialists. Given that Astra has to choose between fulfilling her primary duties as a specialist and using other skills, this change will give the agent more freedom in using skills - without having to sacrifice the opportunity to smoke for an entire round.
Comportamento do estimulador
- Combat boosts - like Reyna's Empress skill - can interfere with shooting and negatively impact your accuracy. This should allow stimulated players to rely on muscle memory and movements learned from shooting without stimulation. This change will only affect how stimulation affects recoil. The accompanying effect of increasing accuracy will remain the same.

Comportamento do jogador
- The current restrictions in Ranked and Premier mode have been changed: they now apply to all team modes. Therefore, players who are subject to disciplinary action due to unacceptable behavior will not be able to join the queue in any team mode.
Alterações de armas
- The previously weakened increase in shooting accuracy from a sitting position has been removed: instead of the standard value of 25%, the previous value of 40% has been returned.
- Headshot damage coefficient increased from 2.4 to 2.5.
Estas alterações destinam-se a alinhar os valores de dano de headshot com os de outras armas, bem como a aumentar as hipóteses de manter o território com estas armas quando se joga contra vários adversários.
Correcções de erros
- Fixed an issue where searching in Polish, Russian or Japanese using the search bar in the Graffiti Collections menu would return incorrect results if certain characters were present in the query.
- Fixed an area where the player could land on a ledge that was outside the map.
- Minor visual fixes in various places on the map.
- Fixed a gap where it was possible to shoot through the doorway at Pipes A while at the Boiler Room in Mid.
- Fixed a gap in the convertible roof above Chai B.
- Fixed the crate on Upper Mid so that visual effects from bullet damage will now be displayed correctly.
Campo de tiro
- A temporary object on the visible horizon has been removed.

Desempenho melhorado
- To reduce loading time, the game has optimized the multithreading logic and the order of file distribution on disk. Please note that this will increase the patch download and installation time.
Comportamento do jogador
- The Riot Voice Engine (RVE) has changed in some regions to include voice recording to help players understand the behavioral expectations and technical implications associated with RVE and voice chat.

- Added a button to view the maps available in the playoffs. To view the set of maps in the playoffs, you need to click on the Playoffs event in the schedule in the Premier menu, and then click on the “Show map set” button in the central part of the menu.
Alterações dos clientes
Secção de progresso
- The taskbar in the progress section will now display the agent's equipment (if there are free slots). Previously, only the Basic Training, Battle Pass and Event Pass were displayed there, and there could be unoccupied slots.

Atualização dos sistemas de jogo
- Added a new "Map Cursor Speed" slider that will allow you to speed up or slow down the cursor movement on the large map, as well as on agent skill maps (for example, when using Brimstone's Skysmoke).
Alterações no mapa
- New Map: The Breeze map appears in Unranked and Quick Play modes.
Correcções de erros
- Fixed an issue where cursor movement on the large map, as well as on agent skill maps (for example, when using Brimstone's Skysmoke), was affected by the "Base Aim Curve" setting.
- Selecting Skill Targets
Foi corrigido um problema em que o Sensor de Som de Deadlock, a Câmara de Cypher e a Rosa de Arco de Vyse não podiam ser colocados em algumas paredes durante a fase de compra.
- Fixed a bug due to which KAY/O's "EPI/center" was destroyed by "Bricking".
- Fixed a bug due to which on inclined surfaces the collision with the "Bricked" took longer.
- Fixed a bug due to which "Burning" could act incorrectly when bypassing gaps.
- Fixed cases of incorrect playback of the replica when the “Walling” was destroyed.
- Fixed cases of the Arc Rose replica cutting out prematurely during playback.
- Fixed an issue where the combat summary could display incorrect skills for Vyse.
- [PS5] Fixed rare client crashes associated with using Steel Garden.
- Fixed a bug due to which, with some control settings, the use of the “From the Shadows” skill could not be canceled.
- Fixed an issue where Dark Shroud was moving slower than intended.
- Fixed a bug due to which the display order of KAY/O skills was incorrect in the interface.
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