Aleksib compartilha seus pensamentos sobre o possível retorno do s1mple ao NaVi
09:04, 23.04.2024
Na primeira semana após o triunfo no PGL Major Copenhagen 2024, o capitão da NaVi, Aleksi Aleksib Virolainen, expressou seus pensamentos sobre o possível retorno de Oleksandr s1mple Kostyljev à equipe.
Would you be better with s1mple? It's hard to say after winning the major. We all trust each other and just move forward with this team. Perhaps in the future something will change and we will need something different, or B1ad3 will have a different vision.
Ele também observou que a euforia inicial após a vitória no Major já havia passado.
The first week after the triumph was full of euphoria, we lived day by day, realizing what we had achieved. But now we are back on earth with the team, and that moment is behind us. We continue to set high goals for ourselves and understand that many different factors coincided for our victory and it was not easy. We still need to work hard to play at the same level or win another tournament.
Aleksib destacou o constante desejo por metas elevadas e reconheceu muitos fatores que contribuíram para o sucesso deles. Após a vitória no Major, a equipe NaVi permanece focada em melhorar constantemente, sabendo que manter seu sucesso requer trabalho árduo e dedicação.
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