Zero Tenacity qualified for BLAST Premier Fall Showdown 2024

Zero Tenacity qualified for BLAST Premier Fall Showdown 2024

Zero Tenacity has qualified for the BLAST Premier Fall Showdown 2024. They advanced from the group stage undefeated, defeating KOI and DMS in BO1 format. In the tournament semifinals, they faced SAW and secured a 2-1 victory, thus earning a spot in the final.

In the final, they faced DMS, who had defeated Fnatic 2-1 in the second semifinal. The final began on Inferno, DMS's choice, where they started strong, winning the first half 7-5. However, they struggled in defense, and Zero Tenacity took the map 13-9, moving one step closer to victory. The second map, Anubis, Zero Tenacity's best map, was their choice. They dominated the attack side, winning 12 consecutive rounds and finishing the half 12-0. In the second half, they conceded only four rounds and won the map 13-4, securing their place at the BLAST Premier Fall Showdown 2024.

The tournament will take place from July 21 to 25 in an online format. The prize pool will be $135,000, with two coveted slots at the BLAST Premier: Fall Final 2024, which will be held offline in Copenhagen in the fall. They were the first team to qualify for the tournament, which will feature 16 teams, including 6 from qualifiers and 10 from the upcoming BLAST Premier: Fall Groups 2024.


The team qualified through the RES European Masters 1 Fall 2024 - BLAST Premier Qualifier, after winning another qualifier for Baltic teams, defeating Guild Eagles, who have since disbanded their roster.

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