Wonderful Told About How he Got Into Spirit

Spirit's new player revealed the details of his transition.

Igor w0nderful Zhdanov joined Spirit more than a week ago, replacing Abdul degster Gasanov. W0nderful revealed the details of this transition today during an interview on the Team Spirit channel.


w0nderful commented about moving to Spirit

The player said that Overdrive helped him with the transition by inviting him to the team to perform tests.

I considered all sorts of proposals. I looked at proposals from the EU and from the CIS. And then, at one point, Lesha Ovedrive wrote to me: "Do you want to test?" I wrote: "Of course, yes." He told me the date of the tests.
Igor w0nderful Zhdanov

Also, w0nderful told about how the team has accepted him.

It seems to me that everything is fine and working out for me, and the guys accepted me.
Igor w0nderful Zhdanov

Spirit will perform with a new roster at IEM Cologne. They will start the tournament from the Play-In stage.

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