Reddit: Why are CS2 traders becoming increasingly difficult to work with?
Reddit: Why are CS2 traders becoming increasingly difficult to work with?

On the popular Reddit forum, users discuss difficult communication with CS2 traders, especially when it comes to exchanging leather or knives. Resentment is caused by traders' desire to receive additional bonuses even for small deviations in value.

One user describes his experience where he offered a $33 “overpay” (extra payment for a more valuable item), but received a counter offer demanding even higher bonuses. “Why are they so obsessed with maximizing profits when the real cost has already been compensated?” the user asks.

“It's just greed.”

Another user, Lurkaric, says: “Most traders are greedy idiots. Don't mess with them.” Responding, another participant confirmed that he had faced similar problems when he was forced to increase his offer for no apparent reason.

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The origins of greed

HoudinnerKarlo, a trader since 2015, recalls that the behavior of traders has changed significantly over time. He said: “People are much greedier now, always wanting additional rewards, even when their profits are already high.” HoudinnerKarlo recounts how he recently offered a trade to one such trader, adding more than $300 in bonus, but was still asked to add another $5.


“Trading is not just a business”

42nhapet5 sums up the situation by noting that traders are now not only demanding extra fees, but also trying to take advantage of every opportunity to maximize profits. He adds: “Traders today are not just people who exchange skins. This is a special world where greed is the rule.”

In the general discussion, users confirm that trading in CS2 is becoming increasingly commercialized, and old principles of exchange, such as honesty, now seem to be forgotten.

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