21:20, 31.05.2024

The match was played on two maps, where Vitality proved stronger than their opponent. On Nuke, HEROIC's map choice, they lost the first half 7-5 and although they tried to win in the second half, they lost an eco round and ultimately the game with a score of 13-8. Apex was the best player of the map, finishing with a K/D of 22-13, a strong performance in such a match.

The second map was less tense than the first and ended with a score of 13-2. On this map, ZywOo finished with a much better K/D than Apex on the first map, specifically 16-4. However, despite the excellent performance on the second map, Apex was still named the match's best player with a rating of 7.2.
FlameZ's comment after the match about apEX's performance:
It was a good breakfast, on Nuke he was insane. On Dust2 I thought he went 0-25 because he used up all his luck
ZywOo also noted an interesting point, describing apEX's behavior as:
He screams in voice chat, runs and kills, headshots with the first bullet of the deagle and screams that he is ZywOo

The match against Team Spirit will take place tomorrow, and for many, it is the match they have been waiting for, as it will be the first encounter between donk and ZywOo.
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