Valve unexpectedly blocked the fan mod Classic Offensive
Valve unexpectedly blocked the fan mod Classic Offensive

The fan-made mod Classic Offensive, which was in development for eight years, was suddenly blocked by Valve without any warnings or explanations. The project promised to bring back the atmosphere of the classic versions of Counter-Strike, combining elements of past games with new gameplay improvements, and was to be a gift for long-time fans of the series.

For many players, this was an unexpected and alarming event, as the mod had been approved back in 2017 under the Steam Greenlight program, and its creators worked closely with Valve to avoid legal and technical conflicts.

Development History

The idea for Classic Offensive was born out of a desire to bring back the aesthetics and spirit of the early versions of Counter-Strike using the CS:GO engine. The team of modders received approval from Steam Greenlight in 2017 and actively worked on the project, following Valve's recommendations.

Screenshot of Classic Offensive from ModDB
Screenshot of Classic Offensive from ModDB

During development, the creators consulted with lawyers and even made changes to the project to comply with Valve's requirements. Despite this, the mod was removed from publication immediately after submitting the build for review in December 2024.

The release was planned for December 25th — on the anniversary of the mod's creation, but five days before the scheduled date, the team still hadn't received a response from Steamworks. Instead, they got an automated notification that the application was "rejected without explanation."

Reasons for the Conflict

According to an open letter from the developers published on social media, the project strictly adhered to the modding rules on the Steam platform, avoiding any source code leaks or other violations. However, despite the years-long collaboration, communication with Valve representatives virtually ceased from 2020.

The developers believe that the situation resembles an unofficial cease and desist but without formal notification. This is especially disappointing for the team that fully committed to the project, sometimes compromising its quality for rule compliance.

In the letter, the developers warn other teams about the risks of working with Valve, especially if a mod is connected with multiplayer functions and is planned for release through Steam.

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The situation with Classic Offensive raises important questions about the support of fan projects in the video game industry. Projects created by enthusiasts can be not only a gift for the community but a way to extend the life of iconic series.

The mod team hopes to restore dialogue with Valve and resolve the conflict so the project can be released. This will be an important step for the entire modding community, who invest years of work into their creations inspired by legendary games.

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