Thour Analyzes Core Isolation Impact on Windows Performance in CS2
Thour Analyzes Core Isolation Impact on Windows Performance in CS2

Thour, a well-known eSports analyst, has conducted a detailed comparison of Windows 10 and Windows 11 performance in terms of FPS gaming parameters, with a particular focus on Core Isolation.

This mode, which is based on virtualization to protect key parts of the operating system from malicious attacks, demonstrates a slight decrease in FPS when activated. The specs of the test computer included an i5-12400F processor, 1660 Ti graphics card, and 16 GB of DDR4 RAM, with video settings of 1920x1080, MSAA 4x, and Reflex activated.

According to Thour, with Core Isolation enabled, the average number of frames per second was 265 FPS, while with it disabled, it was 277 FPS, an increase of 4.52%. According to the analyst, the difference in performance is not significant, so he recommends keeping Core Isolation enabled to provide an additional level of security, despite the slight decrease in FPS.

Users on social media expressed mixed reactions to these results. Some have confirmed that they have not seen a noticeable difference in performance on their systems, while others are discussing the possibility of disabling other optimization settings, such as disk optimization, to improve the gaming experience.

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