According to Dust2 India portal, 5W contacted Thomas who explained that most of the players refused to sign a contract without an upfront payment. As a result, several players including Thomas, h4rn and joel received an advance payment as proof of loyalty and left their previous contracts in ITB, TSM and 500.
Thomas went on to detail the beginning of his time with Coach Loord and the early problems the team faced. Thomas noted that the firing of the team's general manager was a turning point, as the manager was the only point of contact with the owners.

After signing the contracts and bringing in Loord as coach, the team started working full-time and made rapid progress as the style of play Thomas wanted to use instantly matched the roster. However, two weeks later, on payday, the owners accidentally fired their general manager, causing a mess. The manager was their only line of communication with the owners. This was fixed when the owners contacted the coach once, but then disappeared again for two weeks and stopped answering questions.
Thomas also reported that the problems began to pile up: the social media officer disappeared and everything in the organization fell into disrepair. The team decided to sever their relationship with 5W Gaming because their contracts had been canceled and created fraudulently. Despite trying to verify the legitimacy of the organization, they realized it was a risk. In the end, 5W Gaming proved its legitimacy by paying several players upfront. Thomas expressed his opinion on the organization and its owners, stating that they should not be a part of the cybersports community.
This story with the 5W Gaming organization serves as a warning to all players and teams to carefully vet potential partners to avoid similar situations in the future. The team will continue to play under the ex-5W tag.
Source: Dust2 India
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